The Dungeons of Torgar

The Dungeons of Torgar by Joe Dever Read Free Book Online

Book: The Dungeons of Torgar by Joe Dever Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joe Dever
Tags: Fiction, Fantasy, lone wolf, Magnamund
its brain. Its deadly mandibles continue to snap spasmodically, but without purpose, as its lifeless body oozes from the hole and falls limply to the chasm floor.
    Gripping firmly with both hands you haul yourself up, untie the stick from the end of the rope, and wind it back into your pack before setting off deeper into the eerie forest.
    Turn to 50 .

    With your good hand you unsheathe your weapon and strike out at your ghostly attackers, but your brave blows pass clean through their mist-like forms without effect. You shudder with fear as their snaky tendrils close tightly around your limbs, filling them with a terrible chill that steals your strength and your will to resist. Reluctantly you surrender to their numbing caress and slip into a sleep from which there will be no awakening.
    Your life and your quest end here.

    You aim and fire in the blink of an eye, sending your Arrow coursing deep into the creature's bloated body. It gives a sound more like a scream than a croak and sinks out of sight.
    ‘What the … !?’ coughs Jarel, woken by the scream. But before you can warn him, two more of the fish-like things clamber over the upturned boat and attack you both with their taloned paws.
    Bhakish: COMBAT SKILL  21    ENDURANCE  25
    These swamp dwellers are immune to Mindblast (but not Psi-surge).
    If you win the combat, turn to 34 .

    The gruesome clack of fangs fills your ears and white-hot pain lances through your arms and legs as the Akataz snap shut their powerful jaws. You try to repel them using your Kai Mastery of Animal Control, but their blood fury is aroused and their minds are fixed unshakeably on rending you to shreds: lose 5 ENDURANCE points.
    Illustration IV —The black bear wrenches one snarling hound from your leg and another is torn to shreds by its razor-sharp claws.
    In desperation you will the black bear to come to your aid. It growls angrily and bounds towards the war-dogs. One snarling hound is wrenched from your leg, whirled about, and flung into the forest to break its back against a tree. Another has its skull crushed between the bear's powerful paws, and a third is torn to ribbons by one swipe of its razor-sharp claws. With your arms now free you are able to draw a weapon and dispatch an Akataz that has its fangs caught in the sole of your boot. Freed at last from your attackers, you sit up in time to see the bloodied survivors slinking away into the undergrowth.
    Turn to 117 .

    The lock clicks and the door opens on to a passage lined with torches that sputter and crackle noisily. Halfway along there is another door — a solid slab of iron broken only by a small, barred window. Silently you approach this door and peer in through the grille.
    If you have visited the Danarg in a previous
Lone Wolf
adventure, turn to 260 .
    If not, turn to 114 .

    The Akataz fling themselves at you with wild ferocity, as if they are hungry to avenge the deaths of their brothers.
    Akataz Pack: COMBAT SKILL  28    ENDURANCE  45
    These war-dogs are especially susceptible to psychic attack. If you possess the Discipline of Mindblast or Psi-surge and wish to use either of them, double all bonuses you would normally receive. If you have completed the Lore-circle of the Spirit, triple all bonuses.
    You can evade combat at any time by leaping into the gorge: turn to 340 .
    If you win the combat, turn to 268 .

    Upon hearing your reply the officer lowers his sword and a friendly smile spreads across his rugged face. He tells you that he and his men are Talestrian scouts who have been sent ahead of their army to make sure these hills are free of enemy troops. Your Kai Sixth Sense confirms that he is speaking the truth, and when he offers to take you to meet his commander, you accept the invitation gladly.
    Turn to 6 .

    Your Magnakai skill enables your body to overcome the intoxicating effect of the scent. Shaking your head and stifling a yawn, you urge your horse towards the end of the

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