male—chromosome. An estimated
BAI Baoshan
100,000 males come so equipped in the United States Chemical imbalance may also affect human attitude annually, and it has been suggested that the extra dash and behavior, whether that imbalance results from of “maleness” makes them more aggressive, even vio-brain damage, glandular dysfunction, environmental lent, with a greater tendency toward criminal activity.
contaminants, or the deliberate ingestion of drugs and The theory got a boost in 1966, when random killer alcohol. Manic-depression, schizophrenia, and some Richard Speck was diagnosed—mistakenly, as it turned forms of psychosis are treatable with medication to out—as one such “supermale.” Eager researchers cited varying degrees, since they originate within the body, his stature and facial acne as sure-fire symptoms of rather than within the mind. Today, we know that such XYY syndrome, but genetic tests failed to bear out their conditions may also be hereditary, handed down suspicion. In the meantime, it was noted that XYY
through many generations of a single family—in which males comprise a larger percentage of the nation’s case, certain schizophrenic or psychotic killers may prison population than of the male population at large, indeed be the proverbial “bad seeds.”
but such figures are easily skewed. As authors Jack There are, of course, substantial risks involved in try-Levin and James Fox point out in Mass Murder (1985), ing to predict an individual’s adult behavior from spe-the XYY males who wind up in prison or mental insti-cific childhood symptoms, and it must be granted the tutions accused of violent crimes constitute a minuscule vast majority of children from “tainted” families—or segment of the overall group.
from abusive homes—do not go on to kill for sport. Pre-Another proponent of the “bad seed” theory, the late dictive theories are often based on tiny samplings, some-Joel Norris, cites 23 symptoms of genetic damage found times on a single case, and subjects chosen for review in a select listing of modern serial killers. The WARNING
have typically drawn much attention to themselves by SIGNS range from bulbous fingertips and curved fifth their bizarre behavior. In practice, some of the worst ser-fingers to crooked teeth and “electric-wire hair that ial killers—including the likes of CHARLES MANSON and won’t comb down.” Unfortunately, the list of “killer HENRY LUCAS—present histories of both severe abuse symptoms” is so broad, and ultimately vague, that it is and genetic, inherited dysfunction. Frequently the off-rendered next to useless.
spring of alcoholic, drug-abusing parents with criminal With various serial killers reporting convulsions or backgrounds, tortured and molested from infancy, such seizures from childhood, it is logical to ask if epilepsy human monsters may in fact be born and made.
plays a role—however minor—in cases of episodic vio-See also CROSS-DRESSING; MOTIVES; PARAPHILIA lence. Without indicting epileptics as a class, it is worth noting that electroencephalogram (EEG) tests reveal
“spiking” patterns of random, uncontrollable electrical BAI Baoshan
discharges during seizure activity. Their source, the lim-Described in official dispatches as China’s most prolific bic brain, controls primitive emotions like fear and serial killer to date, with 15 known victims (compared rage, triggering the “fight-or-flight” response when we to 13 for LI WENXIAN), Bai Baoshan apparently com-are frightened or surprised. Some analysts now specu-mitted his first murder in the early 1980s, during a late that similar disorders may produce unpredictable poorly planned holdup. Convicted of murder and rob-violent outbursts in specific individuals.
bery in that case, he served 13 years in prison and Another target of modern research into episodic vio-emerged with a brooding desire for revenge against lence is the hypothalamus, sometimes