room. She moved her desk chair under her window and put the plant on top of it so it would get enough light. She would look into getting a plant stand later. Then again, she was accustomed to doing her homework while lying on top of her bed so perhaps the chair could function as a plant stand until it became an issue. Lucy grabbed her afternoon books and ran to the Dining Hall.
It was bustling. People were chatting about classes, some tossing things at one another. A girl in the corner was making her lunch tray levitate. Lucy barely managed to dodge as a chair zoomed past her. She had no idea the Dining Hall was a free for all and wondered if this was normal. Lucy supposed some of it was pure excitement of learning how to do some of these things. Admittedly, if she had just learned how to levitate something, her lunch tray would be in the air too. She ended up in line behind Maya.
“How was your morning?” asked Lucy.
“Actually, really well.”
“You sound surprised. What class did you have?”
“I started with horsemanship; I’m sure I smell like it. It was not my best subject last semester so, naturally, I thought I would move on to a more advanced course. We were starting jumps today. I figured I would end up on the ground and didn’t, so my day is good. Yours?” asked Maya.
“Wonderful. I’m excited and overwhelmed at the same time. I can’t wait to see what comes next, but I’m nervous.”
“That’s normal. Don’t worry about it. Did you like Kara?”
“Very much,” Lucy smiled.
“You seemed like the type who would enjoy a talking fox.”
They made their way over to Gavin and Justin. Gavin appeared to be polishing off half a chicken. It would never fail to amaze Lucy how much some guys were capable of eating. They smiled in greeting and Lucy sat down next to Justin.
“Did you get your plant yet?” Justin asked.
“Yes, I did, and I think it’s wonderful,” said Lucy.
“We can arrange a plant stand,” offered Gavin.
“Right now, my chair is performing that duty.”
“Bed studier?” asked Justin.
“What can I say? Old habits die hard,” said Lucy with a smile.
“Not to scare you, but be careful with that plant. I managed to kill mine after two weeks,” said Maya.
“Oh my,” said Lucy suddenly worried; normally she was good with plants.
“Really, don’t worry. I’m sure you’ll do fine,” said Gavin. “Maya does not do well with living things. Plants, animals, boyfriends…” he ducked as Maya threw a carrot at his head.
Lucy got to hear about some of their classes as she ate her tomato soup, ham and cheese sandwich, and another melon like the one she had last night. It was good. She also found out that Maya worked at the clothing shop, stocking shelves, helping customers, and giving suggestions on what else people might be interested in ordering. This information also helped explain why Maya always had fabulous clothes and plenty of them.
Chapter 7
Lunch was over all too soon and Lucy was off to Introduction of Magic. Again, the room was not filled with normal desks and chairs but a mix of tables in one area and cushions in another. They were greeted by an older lady with lots of bushy hair named Maryn. She was quick to smile but also quick to raise an eyebrow to show disapproval. She invited them to sit on the cushions as she explained the basic class objectives.
“There are several methods for performing magic. Wizards use their voices, hand movements, and their minds. Most wizards master one form of magic and can use the other two to assist in cases when it is necessary. Some wizards master all three methods, as some more advanced spells require all three either of one wizard or a group where each individual performs a section of the spell perfectly in sync with the other two. In this class, you will learn some very basic spells. Your book will give you the mental instruction and describe the hand motions, and the words and intonation for each spell. The