goal is to give you all a basic understanding of using these methods and discover which area you excel in. The area you excel in will help determine some of the courses you take after this. If you turn out to be vocally inclined, for example, we may recommend voice lessons.”
Maryn continued to explain for several minutes, and Lucy’s mind began to wander. Although this was interesting, she was ready to do something. She could read about theory in a book. Finally Maryn reached the end of her lecture and directed them to the tables. Lying on the tables were matchboxes. Each student stood by one.
“Today we will start with something simple. In magic, the size of the object rarely matters, but I find students are intimidated if I bring in large, heavy objects. You may not be able to do anything. You may be able to use all three methods. This is just the beginning so don’t worry. What you are to do, is simply flip the matchbox over, any direction you choose. This can be useful for things like turning a page so you can practice while reading pages one through forty-six of Spells for Everyone .”
Everyone smiled at that comment. Any teacher who turned homework into more homework or who managed to imply homework could be fun was one to watch out for. Lucy was still eager to practice, and now that her reading was piling up it looked like she would have plenty of opportunities to do so.
Maryn continued, “The hand motion for this one is very simple. Lay your hand out flat, palm up. All you do is turn your hand over so your palm faces down. The voice command is ‘la-ti-ca’ with the emphasis on the first syllable. With your mind, you have to visualize it turning over. Feel it, sense it, and simply turn it over. Please try all three methods. I’ll walk around and see how everyone is doing.”
Lucy looked doubtfully at the matchbox. Then she remembered the moonstones and felt a small burst of confidence. She could do this. Lucy closed her eyes and visualized the matchbox in her head. She visualized it turning over and opened her eyes. Lucy looked at the matchbox. She wasn’t sure if the top looked any different than the bottom or if she had managed to move it at all. She closed her eyes again and visualized it turning onto its side instead. This time, when she opened her eyes, it was on its side.
“Very good,” said Maryn. “Not many students can do that on their first try. Just so you know, you do not have to close your eyes. It might help you concentrate at first, but it can be a bad habit to get into. Try it with your eyes open; then try the other two methods.” Maryn raised an eyebrow as a guy at another table fainted. “He must have locked his knees while concentrating. Try not to do that. He’ll come ‘round in a moment.” Maryn moved on to the next student.
Lucy stared at the matchbox and concentrated. Sure enough she watched it turn over. Well, she thought, one down two to go. Still, she was relieved that she was not proving totally unteachable. She decided to try the hand motion next and was pleased to find similar results. She liked using her hands, but it did give away what you were about to do. Also, she was not sure how complicated a hand motion she could keep up with. It would be a shame to accidentally make something explode.
A guy, Philip, she thought he had been in her healing class, managed to set his matchbox on fire. Maryn calmly put it out with a wave of her hand, and gave him another matchbox. This was much more exciting than Calculus thought Lucy.
Lucy focused her attention back to her matchbox.
“Latica,” she said quietly. “Latica,” she repeated a bit louder. Lucy bit lower lip feeling slightly frustrated.
“Hey, you managed the first two ok, don’t give up on the third so easily,” said the black-haired boy standing next to her.
“Lucy,” she introduced herself with a smile.
“Darren,” he replied. “Really, just keep trying. I haven’t been able to move mine an