The Feeder

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Book: The Feeder by E.M Reders Read Free Book Online
Authors: E.M Reders
Tags: Romance, Fantasy, Paranormal, Vampires
at high speeds and that of great strength came with the name, but there were others that not every vampire acquired. The colour of a vampire’s eyes could give you a hint of the power held within their body. Amber was the most common, the colour of your average everyday vampire. The fact that Gideon had amber eyes only made me more suspicious about how he became a bloody Master. He shouldn’t have been powerful enough to defeat Denton, but I could sense the strength in him.
    After amber, there was emerald, a sigh of even greater power and speed than the average vampire. The colour was very common among the vampires in my kind of work. Then there was the crystal blue of my eyes, the one that hinted physic abilities. It could be anything from mind reading to creating images in the minds of others. Then there was violet, a rare colour that primarily means ‘you don’t want to fuck with me.’ Then, the rarest colour of all… blood red. And only two vampires were known to have eyes of that colour. And believe me, I was definitely glad to be able to call them friends and not enemies.
    My abilities, while not the strongest of my group, were simple. Every vampire was able to feel the emotions of others, but we were also splendid at hiding them, meaning that it was very hard to get a read on another vampire if they did not want you to… unless you were me. I could pick up on emotion so much easier than others. So much so that it was near impossible to shield an emotion from me, but not entirely. I needed to have skin to skin contact for me to get a truly clear reading of some, but I could still pick up a vibe or two that would give me a clue as to where someone’s thoughts were going. And with Gideon, if I wasn’t mistaken, there was no sense of worry, hurt or sadness for the death he could scent in the room he’d just entered. No, all I sensed coming from him was a great bout of frustration and impatience… all aimed at Eve.
    “Pippa’s dead. Her body was stripped and bound before being left upon Eve’s bed for her to find,” I explained. If I had expected any emotion to appear on that news, anger that someone had killed a human, a familiar within his club and left the body in the manner that they had, I had been wrong. With a brief glance at the door leading to the bedroom and the body of the poor girl, he clipped, “Deal with it,” before turning and walking back down the stairs to his office.
    Anger burned through my veins. How the fuck that bastard ever became a Master I did not know, but I would be damned if he was going to stay in that position for long if this was his attitude. Realising that someone needed to take hold of the situation, I began giving out orders as the crowd gathering on the stairs began to grow. “Reese, check out the body. Look for any clues as to who the hell did this. Chad, get back downstairs and check all CCTV footage and see if you can find anything. Trent, arrange for the removal and disposal of the body.” When the others burst into action but Trent refused to move, I asked, “What?”
    “Someone needs to tell Dean.”
    “I'm sure he will hear about it soon enough.” The vampires in this place were almost as bad as the old ladies that had gathered on the corner of the street by the post box every day during my childhood, gossiping about everyone and everything.
    “No, I think someone needs to tell him in person before it gets back to him.”
    “Why?” I asked, though, I had a terrible feeling that I already knew why. My first night here Pippa had been pretty cosy with Dean, cuddled up to him most of the night, and a few nights since then if my memory was correct.
    “They were together. He was going to turn her, told her so just last night.”
    “Okay, get him out from behind that bar and into Eve’s office as quick as you can. I’ll be down shortly to talk with him.” Not something I was looking forward to doing, and something I shouldn’t have to be doing.

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