The Ferryman Institute

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Book: The Ferryman Institute by Colin Gigl Read Free Book Online
Authors: Colin Gigl
turn around but stopped, turned back slightly, and said, “Mssr. Dupine,” in Dirkley’s general direction, then left. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap.
    As the footsteps receded, the sounds of the room seemed to return in their place.
    â€œDid I mishear,” Dirkley began slowly once Javrouche was well gone, “or did you just ask if you could beat the Inspector with a stick?”
    Before Charlie could answer, he was cut off by a loud ring. It took a moment for him to realize it was the new phone Javrouche had just handed him. He tapped the screen.
    â€œCharlie Dawson. How may I best direct your call?”
    There was a pause on the other end before a familiar female voice spoke up. “I see your phone is magically working again.”
    â€œYes. The Inspector delivered it to me in person. He had a suspicion I might have”—he cleared his throat—“ misplaced my old one.”
    â€œHow thoughtful of him. I wonder where he got that idea from. Maybe this one won’t be thrown off a cliff as quickly as the last one was?”
    Charlie smirked. “I have a feeling it won’t.”
    The other end was quiet again, though Charlie didn’t find it hard to imagine why. Despite his occasionally vagabond nature, he still considered Melissa a friend, and this game they played wasn’t much fun for either side. At least, that’s what Charlie hoped.
    â€œI guess I should apologize for sending the Inspector down there,” Melissa said. “You didn’t deserve that, especially given thehistory between you two. I was . . . Well, you just put me in a bad mood today. I’m sorry.”
    â€œStop,” Charlie said firmly into the phone. “You don’t need to explain yourself or apologize. I’m the one in the wrong here.”
    Melissa hesitated for a few beats. “That’s good. I’m glad to hear it,” she said. “I just worry about you, that’s all. I hope you can understand that. I can’t shake this feeling that there’s something you’re not telling me . . . and as your manager, that makes me feel like I’m doing a shitty job. I hate that feeling even more than not knowing where you are, believe it or not.”
    Gone was the raging Melissa of earlier, replaced with the levelheaded and grounded manager he’d come to know over the past few years. Despite their earlier exchange, he’d always carried a deep respect for his manager, even if he didn’t always do a wonderful job showing it. Maybe it was because she’d stuck with him when so many others would have bailed in a huff. Charlie hadn’t had much success with recent managers—few had lasted more than a year, even fewer two—yet here Melissa was into her fifth. It was a welcome change of pace.
    â€œNo, you’re not. Don’t even think that.” Charlie sighed, long and deep, as if he was trying to expunge the events that had transpired since his return to the Institute. “How about we forget all this for now and get some work done?”
    â€œSure. That’s what I’m hoping. Is Dirkley all set down there?”
    Charlie looked over at Dirkley, who was fiddling with his own headset. Two small clipboards sat patiently on the edge of their desk. “Yeah, he’s ready to go,” Charlie said.
    â€œGood. All right then, I’ll leave you to it.” She paused again. “Good luck out there.”
    â€œThanks,” he said. “I’ll be fine.”
    â€œI know. You always are.” And with that, the other end of theline went silent. Charlie took a moment to readjust his jacket and regain his composure, then walked over to the desk and picked up one of the clipboards.
    â€œSo?” Charlie looked up to find Dirkley staring at him.
    â€œSo . . . ?” Charlie replied.
    â€œFor one, are you okay?”
    â€œI’m fine, but thank you for the

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