The Fire Starter

The Fire Starter by Misty Wright, Summer Sauteur Read Free Book Online

Book: The Fire Starter by Misty Wright, Summer Sauteur Read Free Book Online
Authors: Misty Wright, Summer Sauteur
Tags: Romance & Fantasy Novel
wouldn't dare follow me out. For all I know, he would rather be with Alice and resume what they were doing yesterday.
    I checked the stalls offering all sorts of things, and I tried to look interested in them, but I was just grossed out by the grotesque dolls and stuffed animals with anatomical anomalies. A dog with six legs. A pig with a rabbit's ears and the talons of an eagle. Each one more bizarre than the last. I walked along, trying to find some food to eat. Cheesecake would be good right now.
    There was a gathering of sorts a few paces ahead of me and I stopped, not sure if I should check this out. Last time, the gathering turned out to have a dead man in the middle and I almost took a knife to the face. I don't want a repeat of that, especially since the one who protected me then wouldn't be here now.
    A quick round of laughter told me that this time there's no one dead, so I moved slowly towards where the people were gathered. I caught a glimpse of something colorful in the middle, something moving quickly. It turned out that there were children dancing. One of the children, a boy of about four, looked at me with strange sea-green eyes and smiled hugely.
    It wasn't what caused me to fall over. His smile was nothing but charming. It's just that when he did, I felt my body moving on its own, stumbling in front of the crowd, helpless and uncontrollable. There was another feeling creeping up inside me, something warm, travelling all over my body. I felt like I was on fire.
    The last thing I knew before I lost consciousness was that someone was trying to lift me up and I was shrouded by flames that stung my body just like the insect I felt on Spencer's neck.

Chapter 7 - Clutches of Sleep
    Someone was shouting. There was an argument and I heard two male voices somewhere around the room. My mind was in a daze, trying to make sense of what happened to me. I opened my eyes a little and it hurt, but I caught a glimpse of a room with pale blue curtains. There was a scent I couldn't place, minty and musky.
    And then I stood upright with alarm. It was Spencer's cologne. Two pairs of eyes looked at me with alarm with my sudden movement, and I realized that I was back at the castle, probably in one of their rooms. From the looks of the books strewn across the tables, it seemed like I was in Spencer's room.
    I flung my feet off the huge bed and found my shoes before they could even speak. Spencer hurriedly crossed the room and checked my temperature by placing his hand on my forehead. "How are you feeling?"
    I didn't want to answer as I remembered what led to this scenario. Him admitting that he was with Alice in her room doing who knows what right after we almost kissed. I stood up, holding on to the edge of the bed for support waiting for my vision to clear. Everything around me spun uncontrollably.
    Someone was holding my hand, helping me up when I fell, but I pulled my arm back ungratefully. If I could just reach that door and be gone out of his grasp… but what would I do if I left this room? How would I manage by myself to go back to my own one, given my condition? He let me go and when my vision cleared, I walked several steps only to feel myself stumbling again.
    I'd been drugged. There was no other explanation for this. I had almost reached the closed door when I felt the world spinning again. I lost my balance and felt myself spiraling downwards.
    Strong arms wrapped against my back, stopping my downfall. Spencer's face was barely recognizable as my half-dazed eyes squinted. He looked disheveled. He could be Evan, for all I care. There's too much resemblance and his hair was somewhat messier than usual, making it hard for me to recognize him except for his smell. "Let me go," I whispered weakly.
    "Stop running away." He said, and there was a hint of anger in his voice.
    "Let me go," I repeated, although I don't know what would happen to me if he did that. I might tumble to the floor without enough strength to

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