The Folly
confused.  Maybe it was time to leave.
    Jeremy turned away from the window, all anger leaving him.  If he was honest with himself, he had nowhere to go.  He needed a little time to adjust to civilian life and review his options.  America ha d been on his mind, but at the present time, the Americans and the British were engaged in a conflict in the Atlantic , and a voyage wouldn ’ t be advisable if he actually wanted to reach the other side.  He would have to bide for a while and see what opportunities presented themselves.  A few more weeks wouldn’t change anything.

    Chapter 8
    The groom led the horses out of the stable, giving Elizabeth a leg-up.  She rode side-saddle when they were in town, but in the country she rode astride, not caring what anyone thought.  The idea of sitting on a horse sideways always seemed ridiculous to her , and she often thought how amazing it would be to put on a pair of men’s riding breeches and shock everyone.  Jeremy swung into the saddle next to her and they galloped across the lawn toward the woods.  She followed him down the road at breakneck speed , feeling exhilarated and alive.
      Jeremy looked back from time to time to make sure she was all right and to give her a wicked grin, daring her to keep up.  Elizabeth was glad that Henry couldn’t see them.  He wouldn ’ t be pleased to see her galloping through the countryside like a hoyden.  He had relented a little about Jeremy since agreeing to the ball, but he still avoided him whenever he could, obviously displeased by his presence.  Maybe they just needed some time to get to know each other.  They had been away from each other for so long that they were virtual strangers to each other.  E lizabeth hoped that Henry’s sullenness would not drive Jeremy away.  She had been much happier since he came , and the idea of being left alone with her husband again left her feeling agitated and depressed. 
    J eremy had also been in better spirits the last two weeks.  He seemed very pleased the first time she invited him to go riding with her , and it became their daily habit.  He hadn’t mentioned the war again, but he did talk to her more openly.  He frequently teased Elizabeth about riding astride, calling her “a brazen wench , ” which she secretly liked.  Elizabeth had taken to asking Cook for some food , and they would hobble their horses and sit on a blanket in the woods, eating sandwiches and drinking cider , as shafts of sunlight pierced the green darkness of the leafy canopy above their heads. 
    Elizabeth reclined on the blanket, listening to the sounds of the forest.  “I haven’t felt such peace since I left Suffolk,” she sighed.  “Thank you for showing me this place, Jeremy.  I would never have come here alone.”  She could hear the gurgling of a nearby brook, the sound of water blending in with the sounds of nature.
    “ I ’ m glad you like it.  I used to come here as a boy.  There wasn’t much for me to do during the summer holidays, but explore the estate.  We found all kinds of wonderful places.”  Jeremy reclined next to Elizabeth and closed his eyes.
    “Who is ‘ we ’ ?  Elizabeth asked suspiciously.
    “Simon and I.  He ’ s the gamekeeper’s son.  He was my only real friend when I was a boy.  Father didn ’ t approve of me playing with the village children.  He didn’t much approve of Simon either, but at least I stayed on the estate instead of running through the village with other boys.  Decorum had to be preserved at all costs,” quipped Jeremy sarcastically. 
    “You must have been lonely.”
    “Only until I went to school.  I had lots of friends there.  It was only when I came home that I felt alone.  There was nothing for me to do in that big, quiet house, so I escaped.  Simon and I explored the countryside for hours, which served the dual purpose of keeping me entertained and out of the path of my father.”  Jeremy reached for the bottle of

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