THE FOREVER GENE (THE SCIONS OF EARTH Book 1) by Warren Dean Read Free Book Online

Book: THE FOREVER GENE (THE SCIONS OF EARTH Book 1) by Warren Dean Read Free Book Online
Authors: Warren Dean
respected nomadic traditions, one of which was to acknowledge natural signs.  As she lay dying from complications of childbirth, she named her daughter Qara-Chinua so that the infant would be protected by the spirit of the wolf after she was gone.
    At least her name wasn't Batu Qorchi thought Qara, glancing slyly at her camera-man, although it could be said that 'Loyal Quiver-Bearer' was curiously appropriate to his chosen occupation.
    "The most appropriate title for my function in your language is 'ambassador'," the stranger continued.  He waved his elegant four-fingered hand in the direction of the other strangers.  "The titles which best fit my companions are; 'analyst', 'translator' and 'physician'.  We have added simple modifiers to these titles to help differentiate us from members of your society who bear similar titles.  So, I am Ambassador Ba, and would like to introduce you to Analyst Ko, Translator Vi and Physician Ti."
    The other three strangers briefly inclined their heads.
    President Ganzorig spoke up.  "Thank you for your fascinating introduction, ambassador.  Perhaps you would be so kind as to give us an idea of why you have chosen to visit us."
    Qara mentally scratched the first question she had planned to ask.
    "Certainly", said the ambassador.  "We are members of an ancient race, at least compared to your own.  I mean no disrespect in saying this.  Yours is a young, energetic race with a great deal of potential.  We, on the other hand, have long since fulfilled any potential we once had and our civilisation has reached a state of stagnation.  For the past twelve millennia, we have travelled the entity you know as the universe, seeking out and contacting young races such as yours in the hope that, by mentoring and interacting with them, we can avoid the decline which tends to follow after a civilisation has reached its pinnacle.
    "Our preliminary studies have indicated that you are at an appropriate stage of development for such contact.  What we offer you is knowledge and technology which will develop you into a space-faring race.  In time, we will introduce you to other space-faring races and hope that you will become part of our intergalactic community.  What we ask in return is the opportunity to study you and to learn from you. You are under no obligation to accept our offer and you will find no armed force patrolling your star system as a threat to compel your co-operation."
    "Thank you ambassador," the president interjected again.  "And now, with your permission, I will invite questions from the floor."
    Qara waited politely for someone else to ask the first question.  There was dead silence and the president studiously avoided looking in her direction.  They're waiting for me, she suddenly realised, and leapt to her feet.
    "Ambassador, can you tell us the name of your race?"
    The ambassador's green-eyed gaze settled on her for the first time.  "Unfortunately, the name of my race cannot easily be translated into your language.  In my speech it is..."  He touched the side of his long neck with a finger before emitting an ear-splitting shriek, causing havoc with Oyugun's sound levels.  He touched his neck again in the same place.
    "Our speech cannot be tolerated by the human ear, so our translators have constructed an implant which lowers the tone of our voices enough for you to hear us comfortably.  We understand that the users of your global communication network have already bestowed a name on us; the Faerie Folk."
    Qara hoped that Batu's lighting wasn't good enough for anyone to notice the deep flush creeping over her face.  She wondered if the ambassador knew that she was the one responsible for flippantly coining that name.
    "Administrator Bolormaa has explained to us that the name stems from our coincidental resemblance to certain mythical creatures of your folklore and, although we do not purport to be incarnations of such creatures, we believe it would be simpler for us

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