The Get Rich Quick Club

The Get Rich Quick Club by Dan Gutman Read Free Book Online

Book: The Get Rich Quick Club by Dan Gutman Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dan Gutman
should be the spokesperson for the group.
    â€œWhere did you see this UFO?”
    Two big video cameras were trained on me. I felt like I was an animal in the zoo. I glanced at Rob for help, but he clearly didn’t want to do the talking.
    â€œIt was over there somewhere,” I said, pointing in the general direction of the field where we had shot the picture.
    â€œWhat did it look like?”
    â€œI…forget,” I stammered. Almost immediately, I realized that “I forget” works much better with parents than it does with the news media.
    â€œYou forget?” the lady asked. I didn’t want to look at her, because it’s easier to lie to somebody if you’re not making eye contact with them. The only problem is, not making eye contact with somebody is a sure sign that you are lying. So either way you lose. That’s another one of those life lessons that every kid should learn as soon as possible.
    â€œWell, it was sort of nondescript looking,” I explained.
    â€œYeah, it didn’t have a specific look about it,” Rob said, trying to bail me out.
    â€œIt was sort of…general looking really,” I added lamely.
    We all stood around shuffling our feet for a while until Eddie piped up.
    â€œIt was humongous !” he exclaimed, spreading his arms as wide as they would go.
    The cameramen turned away from me like I had bad breath, and he stuck the cameras in Eddie’s face. He didn’t seem to mind at all.
    â€œAnd it had big glowing green lights!” Eddie continued.
    â€œYeah!” agreed Teddy. “And it made a weird humming sound!”
    Rob, Quincy, and I waved our hands at Eddie and Teddy, trying to shush them, but it was no use. Once you got those twins started telling stories, there was no way to stop them. And the camera crew was lapping itup like starving animals.
    â€œA weird humming sound?” the reporter asked. “Can you describe it for us?”
    Eddie and Teddy pinched their nostrils together and started humming. The noise they produced sounded like one of those annoying Hawaiian hula songs. The reporter turned to me again.
    â€œIs that what it sounded like to you ?” she asked.
    â€œUh, yeah, something like that.”
    Well, what was I going to do, tell the truth ? If I admitted that we had faked the UFO picture, our whole story would be blown. This was our chance to get famous and make some money. I just wished those Bogles would keep their mouths shut. If they exaggerated too much, our story would be blown anyway.
    â€œAnd then,” Eddie said, almost in a whisper, “the spaceship landed in the field over there and the aliens came out!”
    Oh no.
    I looked at Teddy with murder in my eyes, but he wasn’t paying attention. He was busily concocting thenext part of the ridiculous story in his head, I was sure.
    â€œYou actually saw the aliens?” The reporter was down on one knee now, so she could get on the same level as Eddie and Teddy. A cameraman elbowed me out of the way so he could get a better shot of the twins. I don’t know why people always think twins are so adorable.
    â€œSure!” they exclaimed simultaneously.
    â€œWe saw the aliens! They even talked to us!” said Teddy.
    Rob, Quincy, and I rolled our eyes. I knew what they were thinking. Those little Bogle twerps were ruining everything . We should have put muzzles on those sprogs to shut them up. How come for once in their lives they didn’t have to go to the bathroom?
    â€œWhat did the aliens say to you?” the reporter asked breathlessly.
    Eddie looked at Teddy. Teddy looked at Eddie. Rob looked at Quincy. I just cringed. Who knew what crazy thing the Bogles might come out with?
    â€œâ€˜Inky dinky pinky,’” Eddie said.
    Oh man. If he had said something like “Take me toyour leader,” it would have been almost believable. But “inky dinky pinky”? Nobody would buy that in a million

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