The God Class: The Third Nick Wolfe Sci Fi Adventure (Nick Wolfe Adventure Series Book 3)

The God Class: The Third Nick Wolfe Sci Fi Adventure (Nick Wolfe Adventure Series Book 3) by Ross H Henderson Read Free Book Online

Book: The God Class: The Third Nick Wolfe Sci Fi Adventure (Nick Wolfe Adventure Series Book 3) by Ross H Henderson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ross H Henderson
almost here! Are you ready?”
    “We’re ready!”
    As Nick reached for the metal door, they heard Paxson speak, and everything was made clear.
    “They’re here.”
    Nick drew his hand back from the door.
    Heath whispered, “What are we going to do now?”
    “We can’t go in there. The whole place is ready to tear us apart.”
    Paxson spoke up, loud enough to be heard outside, and with a distorted voice, noticeably deeper, but with a tinny overtone speaking along with the main voice, “It’s impolite to whisper! What are you two talking about?”
    The two said nothing.
    “There’s nothing to be afraid of. I’d just like to talk. I have a roomful of men, who are all much better off after having talked with my associates and me. Perhaps you will join us after you hear what I have to say.”
    “Is that why you’ve been getting your new friends ready for a fight with us?” Nick answered with a question to the new converts, “What did this young man promise you?”
    “In some cases I promised what was wanted. In others I promised what was needed. In most cases those things were one and the same. In fact, I’ve already started delivering on those promises, and these men have never been happier. One thing they all had in common was that they wanted to have a real purpose, something bigger than themselves that they could be a part of. Right now you and your new friend are standing between them and that purpose, but it doesn’t have to be that way.”
    Nick knew they would not make it out if they went in, but he also knew this small group would grow exponentially larger if they were allowed to leave. Right now there were about 20 of them, but if each one could find a place like this one with 20 or so new recruits, it would not take long before they started taking over cities.
    On the other side of the parking lot where Nick parked, there was a line of five buildings that were all five stories taller or more. They were built close enough together that they included four tight alleys. The alleyway between the nearest two buildings looked the most promising to Nick for what he had in mind.
    He whispered to Heath, “Follow me when I go.”
    Nick opened the door and all eyes in the bar turned toward him. He gave a smile and slowly closed the door.
    “Don’t let him get away!”
    Heath flew past Nick until he realized he didn’t fully know where he was supposed to go. He blurted out, “Where are we going?”
    “The first alley!”
    Heath shuddered at the thought of being trapped in an alley with a group of hypnotized biker-types standing between him and the rest of his life. He hoped Nick Wolfe knew what he was doing.
    The group made it outside just in time to see Wolfe at the mouth of the alley. He had waited for them so they could see where he went. They were all muscular and tall. Some were more bluish than others, but they all had these lights going on and off rapidly just under their skin. The girl at the front of the crowd was about five feet, eight inches, but even she looked like she could clear a room.
    The alley was tighter than it looked from across the street because of a dumpster stored there; only two men at a time could get through. On the other side of the dumpster the space opened up a bit and Nick was waiting with his weapon drawn. He hadn’t originally intended to bring his gun, but this was a fight for all time. The human race was at stake, and he knew it was going to get messy.
    Wolfe cut down two of the thugs while they crossed the street, but waited until the group got closer to shoot any more. He was conservative with his bullets, firing a total of eight rounds. The opening of the alley was narrow, thanks to a large metal dumpster that was situated at the opening. The attackers were coming in a group, and Wolfe was able to line up the targets and get the most out of each shot. In this way, Wolfe killed eight more men with only six bullets. He cut the number in half, and the

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