The Governor's Daughter (Winds of Change Book 1)

The Governor's Daughter (Winds of Change Book 1) by Jerri Hines Read Free Book Online

Book: The Governor's Daughter (Winds of Change Book 1) by Jerri Hines Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jerri Hines
Mrs. Montgomery must think of her. But before she took a step back, her head began to spin and she lost her balance.
    Her eyes flickered as she fought off the feeling of complete exhaustion. Lieutenant Pennington laid her down upon her bed while Tacy fussing around her. From the corner of her eye, she caught sight of Mrs. Montgomery.
    “Thank you, Lieutenant. She has been through so much,” Mrs. Montgomery said. “It was a shame I wasn’t able to help with being indisposed as I was. Still not feeling well, but when I heard about the harrowing delivery, I made the attempt. Mrs. Peterson said Cathryn was solid as a rock until after the babe died. Said she talked the poor child through it all.”
    Cathryn opened her eyes to find the lieutenant looking down at her. He smiled and wiped her stray hair back off her face. His hand lingered upon her cheek. She didn’t know why she found it comforting.
    The lieutenant straightened himself and turned to Mrs. Montgomery. “If you have need of anything, please let Miss Blankenship know, I’m at your disposal at all times.”
    “Thank you so much, Lieutenant,” Mrs. Montgomery answered. “We will take care of her from here.”
    Slowly, Cathryn drifted off to an exhausted sleep, a restless sleep with haunting dreams.
    Flashes of people who had passed emerged. She could see so clearly her mother and young brother. She tried to call to them, but they didn’t answer. Then, through a mist her father materialized. He was walking beside them. He turned and smiled at Cathryn.
    She cried, “No, don’t leave me. Father, come back!”
    “Miss Cathryn! Miss Cathryn!” Tacy’s voice emerged out of the darkness. “You’re dreaming. Child, wake up.”
    Cathryn bolted up and hugged Tacy so tightly that her maid couldn’t breathe properly. “Oh, Tacy! I dreamed my father was with Mother and John Steven.”
    “It’s just a dream, Miss. I’m not surprised with all that happened, but your father is fine. It was only a bad dream. Go back to sleep.”
    Cathryn nodded and lay back down, but she couldn’t dismiss the ominous feeling that gnawed within her.
    * * * *
    By the time Cathryn woke the next day, the sun shone brightly through the small cabin portal. She had long ago lost track of time. The events of the last day merged into a cluster of haze. Pain stabbed her when she remembered the babe, so little, so vulnerable. Oh, his poor mother!
    Then, her mind wandered to Lieutenant Pennington. How safe she felt in his arms! She shook her head. She needed to collect herself with the reminder that she was his mission, nothing more.
    Cathryn sat up. The bloodied gown she had fallen asleep in sat on the chair in the corner. Not only had she been washed, she wore a clean gown. She must have been exhausted for she had no recollection of Tacy doing so.
    She swung her feet onto the floor when the door burst open. Tacy entered with a breakfast tray.
    “Oh, Miss. You have woken,” Tacy said, setting the tray down on the table beside the bed. “They’re having a simple service for the babe and the girl is asking for you. That is, if you’re up to it. Such a young thing, she is.” Tacy hesitated, lowering her voice. “You won’t believe what I have found out about the poor girl, Miss. It is a shame, total shame.”
    Cathryn took a bite out of a piece of toast, but gestured for Tacy to continue.
    With the encouragement, Tacy sat down on the edge of Cathryn’s mattress. “It seems that the child, the young girl, Mary, for that’s what she is, a child, was under the guardianship of her stepfather. Do you know who it is?” Tacy didn’t wait for an answer. “Franklin Chelton. Can you ever imagine? Him being who he is and all.”
    Cathryn nodded that she knew the man, but what in the world Tacy was talking about, she hadn’t a clue. Franklin Chelton was one of her father’s acquaintances. If she remembered correctly, he dealt with shipping.
    Swallowing, Cathryn asked, “I know the man, but

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