The Great Wreck

The Great Wreck by Jack Stewart Read Free Book Online

Book: The Great Wreck by Jack Stewart Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jack Stewart
Tags: Zombie Apocalypse
ATM I saw
on the way over to Nicky’s place and get out every last dollar I had.
                I bought
a bunch of water as well as filling up the two gas cans mounted to the back of
my old Ford Bronco, then drove slowly through the empty streets stopping at
four separate ATMs on the way until I reached my apartment on the southwest
side of the city. I sat in the Bronco and looked at my entire net worth: $700.
It would have to do.
Aisha Sherman, Nicky to her friends, had moved in with me a few weeks before
the outbreak. She was waiting for me as I walked up the stairs and opened the
front door.
                She was
stretched across the couch wearing a white tank top and cut off shots. She had
a pair of hiking boots on the floor beside her and her pack stuffed to over
flowing leaning against the wall. She looked up at me with her pale gray eyes
and smiled, “When are we leaving?”
                “As soon
as I can pack my gear,” I said and gave her a quick kiss. Tony and Greer will
be over in an hour,” I said as I moved around the cramped apartment grabbing a
few things I thought we’d need.
the Pervert is bringing Greer?” she said with a grimace, “Doesn’t that make you
an accessory to, what? Kidnapping? Child abduction? Transporting minors across
state borders?”
                “No,” I
replied with a laugh, “It makes us accessories to kidnapping, child abduction, and transporting minors across
state borders.” In the bedroom, Nicky had already laid out all my cloths in
neatly folded piles, my toiletries, and my shaving kit. I quickly stuffed them
in my pack, grabbed a few more essentials then piled our stuff next to the
door. I also grabbed my bat and while Nicky was looking out the window, a 9 mm
pistol I kept in a locked box from the top of my closet. Nicky would freak if
she knew I had a gun in the house, but I figured with fucking crazy people
running around like mad all over the city, we might need it. I slipped a bunch
of ammunition in the outer pockets of my pack, then slipped the gun into my
waistband behind my back. I then sat next to Nicky on the couch and watched out
the window for Tony and Greer.
picking up my sister and taking her with us, right?”
                “Oh yes,
but it will cost you,” I said smiling.
                “Oh, no.
Way more than the usual. If I have to put up with Frigadoris for the whole time
we’re at the cabin, you have to be my sex slave for two weeks.”
weeks! Hell, no. One day.”
days,” I replied.
                “One day
and I do laundry for a week.”
I replied and gave her a quick kiss.
the hell does ‘Frigadoris’ mean anyways?”
                “Well, I
think it’s Latin for ‘Cold Caustic Bitch,’”   I said and deftly dodged her hand, “’Friga’ comes from the root phrase
‘cold as ice’ while ‘rigadoris’ means ‘stiff like a dead body.’ So
linguistically speaking, it means cold, corpse like bitch.’ Linguistically
speaking, of course,” I said as I saw Tony and Greer pull up in Tony’s beat up
                “Ha, ha.
You are so funny,” Nicky replied, “She is not that bad.”
                I just
looked over at Nicky with a cocked eyebrow.
                “It just
takes a while for her to warm up to you,” she replied, “And look, Tony and
Jailbait have arrived.”
                  “Tony says Greer is very mature for her age,” I
said getting up and opening the door, “Welcome refuges from the End of the
funny, dude. Are you guys ready?” he said looking around hopefully,

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