The Greatest Show (Willow Son #5/Brothers of Rock #20)

The Greatest Show (Willow Son #5/Brothers of Rock #20) by Karolyn James Read Free Book Online

Book: The Greatest Show (Willow Son #5/Brothers of Rock #20) by Karolyn James Read Free Book Online
Authors: Karolyn James
Cassie again.
Probably with some banana bread and some fancy creamer for coffee that made it
taste like vanilla or something. She meant well. She was a good friend. Even if
she was a little overbearing.
    Emma hurried to get the door, not
wanting Seth to wake up. If it was Cassie, she ’ d
take whatever she had and show her that Seth was napping. Then Emma could nap
with Seth and literally accomplish nothing for the entire day.
    Which was fine.
    Not every day in life had to be
demanding and purposeful.
    Emma unlocked the door and opened
    She managed to gasp before she fell
to the right, her shoulder crashing against a wall.
    “ Whoa …”
    Hands grabbed for her, touching her
    Emma just stared.
    At him.
    He was here.
    It was Brantley.
    “ You ’ re going to be in New York, ” Emma said. She put a hand to
Brantley ’ s hand. “ I ’ m
not going to ask you to stay. ”
    “ I ’ m not staying there forever, ” he said. “ This is what I do. I have to
tour. ”
    “ I ’ m not saying not to tour, ” Emma said. “ You have to go. You ’ re a rockstar. ”
    “ And
you ’ re pregnant. ”
    Emma nodded. She took her hand away
from Brantley. “ This is why
I didn ’ t want to tell you.
I didn ’ t want you to get
mad at me. ”
    “ I ’ m not mad at you. I ’ m just … this isn ’ t
what it was supposed to be. ”
    That hurt. Emma fought the urge to
    “ I
know, ” she whispered. “ I ’ m
sorry I screwed this up. ”
    “ No.
We both did. We were both there that night. It takes two. ”
    It takes two …
    “ My
dad is going to help me, ” Emma said. “ I ’ ll be okay with everything. ”
    “ What
does that mean? ”
    “ Nobody
is going to hate you or judge you for whatever you do here. ”
    “ Are
you telling me you don ’ t
want me around? ”
    “ You ’ re not going to be around,
Brantley. ”
    “ Wow.
That ’ s a little harsh. ”
    “ Is
it true? ” Emma asked.
    She told herself she needed to be
strong. Tough. Ruthless even. This wasn ’ t
about herself but about the baby inside her. She couldn ’ t live her life chasing a rockstar around the
country, showing him baby pictures and trying to get him to spend time with the
baby. It wasn ’ t like she
was out on the street either.
    “ I
don ’ t know what to say, ” Brantley said. “ I grew up different than you,
Emma. I never had … I don ’ t know. This just doesn't make
sense. ”
    “ It
doesn ’ t have to. Just keep
it simple. You go your way, I go mine. Whatever happens, happens. ”
    “ Like
what? I just pop into town and you ’ re
there? So I see you? I see the baby? ”
    “ No, ” Brantley said. “ That ’ s bullshit. ”
    “ Then
get off tour and quit your band, ” Emma snapped.
    “ Yeah,
right. That ’ s what you
want? Dig at me, I don ’ t
care. ”
    “ You …”
    Emma felt herself ready to explode.
She was hurt. She was mad. But it was at herself. At the situation. At everything
swirling around her. She was also terrified. She was going to be responsible
for another human life. And the guy who helped make that life would be on the
road, partying, drinking, sleeping with women, living his dream.
    “ Let ’ s just come to some kind of an
agreement then, ” Emma said.
    “ And
what ’ s that? ” Brantley asked.
    Emma slid out of the booth. She
stuffed her hands into the pocket of her hoodie. Her belly wasn ’ t showing quite yet but she
could feel it swelling a little.
    “ I
don ’ t know, ” she said. “ Okay? We ’ ll have to figure something out. ”
    “ Yeah,
okay, ” Brantley said.
    Emma walked away. She didn ’ t say goodbye to him because it
wasn ’ t supposed to be
goodbye to him. He was supposed to get up, throw money on the table, and then
chase after her. He was supposed to grab her, hug her, say something to make it
all feel okay.
    But Brantley didn ’ t do any of that.
    He just sat there.
    Emma was in tears by the time she
got to her

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