The Green Tsunami: A Tidal Wave of Eco-Babble Drowning Us All

The Green Tsunami: A Tidal Wave of Eco-Babble Drowning Us All by Warren Duffy Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: The Green Tsunami: A Tidal Wave of Eco-Babble Drowning Us All by Warren Duffy Read Free Book Online
Authors: Warren Duffy
instruments flying on eleven different satellites over the years.” He updates
his charts the first week of every month and publishes them for everyone to see at his website listed in the back of this book.
Here is his graph. It traces the temperatures across the planet since
America launched the first of our NOAA satellites in the late 70s’.
As you read the graph, note: an El Nino event occurred in 1997-98
when the earth’s temperatures literally skyrocketed. But by 2008, the
graph returns to normal and stays closer to the center until 2011 when
it shows another drop, thus the concept that we may be entering a
period of global cooling.
    Roy Spencer graph
    To give you a comparison, the U.N.’s IPCC scientists have, for
many years, produced their own charts and graphs to prove the theory
of “Global Warming”. Their purpose is not to relay scientific findings,
as we shall soon demonstrate. The goal of the Intergovernmental Panel
on Climate Change, sponsored by the U.N., was to produce materials
that bolstered the U.N. Agenda 21 environmental claims. The most
well-known of their graphs is the “hockey stick graph” made popular
by Al Gore in his film “An Inconvenient Truth”.
    Hockey Stick
    Dr. Spencer’s graph depicts temperatures recorded by satellites since
the orbiters were launched in 1979. The second graph reconstructs
the Earth’s Temperatures back to a time when man’s knowledge of
astro-physics was, shall we say, somewhat more crude than it is today.
    We have learned a great deal about the inner workings of the
U.N.’s IPCC climate scientists who work at an obscure English East
Anglia University. For years, the IPCC scientific work was shrouded
in mystery and many marveled that this small group of scientists with
glowing credentials and the stamp of approval from the U.N. constantly seemed to contradict the research of men like Roy Spencer and
thousands of other scientists. How could the IPCC prove, beyond
any shadow of a doubt, there is a fragile canopy of atmosphere surrounding our earth that it is trapping gases, which they named “The
Greenhouse Effect”, and that those gases are warming our planet at a
lethal and increasingly rapid pace? As we now know, the scientists were
“cooking the books”.
    In 2009, computer hackers (whose identity remains to this day a very
well guarded secret) entered the dark recesses of the scientist’s email
accounts and revealed a global environmental scandal that became
known as “Climategate”. Over 1,000 of their secret communications
were made public in Phase One and a few years later, a second release
of documents was made public. Page upon page revealed how British
and American scientists were manipulating data. As they programmed
their computers to predict the earth’s impending climate change
catastrophe on the “hockey stick graph” and others, they included
statistics that proved their hypothesis while conveniently omitting the
rest of the data.
    Garbage in, garbage out.
We also learned that millions of dollars of “research grants” were
awarded to the various IPCC scientists over the years with but one
stipulation; their work must prove the “Global Warming” theory
with science that was irrefutable. If anyone dare to come snooping
around under something called the U.S. Freedom of Information Act,
they were told, “Simply ignore them. You work for the U.N. and we
don’t have any stinkin’ Freedom of Information Act.”
Governments around the globe, including our own, unquestioningly believed everything the IPCC team published. Anyone who
challenged their data was ridiculed by a compliant global media. In
turn, national governments poured billions, perhaps trillions of dollars
into the phony science that eventually trickled down the bureaucratic
food chain as local and state governments based their planning models
on the flawed East Anglia University research.
Now, two decades after the theory

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