The Green Tsunami: A Tidal Wave of Eco-Babble Drowning Us All

The Green Tsunami: A Tidal Wave of Eco-Babble Drowning Us All by Warren Duffy Read Free Book Online

Book: The Green Tsunami: A Tidal Wave of Eco-Babble Drowning Us All by Warren Duffy Read Free Book Online
Authors: Warren Duffy
between $5.15-billion for
the General Budget and $7 billion for U.N. Peacekeeping Operations.
The U.S. was billed for 22% of the general budget and 27% of the
U.N.’s standing army budget. In addition, we were billed for two of
the U.N.’s special funds for the 2012 World Food Program and the
U.N. Development Program.
Here is good news for Americans. After the revelation of the U.N.’s
IPPC Climategate email scandal, Congress pulled the plug on the
group’s $13-million annual budget. Congress also told President
Obama, his Environmental Protection Agency and EPA Secretary Lisa
Jackson not to use any of their operating budgets to regulate greenhouse gases in America.
Now the bad news for Americans. The EPA and President Obama
simply ignored the Congressional directive.
One final, cautionary thought about U.N. operations. They have a
long history of proposing various “Global Tax” schemes, so they need
no longer depend on the United States generosity to pay for their
various U.N. global enterprises. The latest idea was a U.N. tax on
all international transportation tickets, airfare and cruises. Alternately,
they have suggested a tax on all overnight international monetary
transfers within the global banking systems. If each transaction netted
only a fraction of a penny, the globalists would receive an avalanche of
income each night and would almost immediately be self supporting.
Imagine the U.N., an international globalist operation with an
unlimited budget and no oversight. Imagine the mischief they could
create. Knowing the socialist connections of Dr. Brundtland and
the socialist/communist economic theories of Maurice Strong, how
quickly might the U.N. move to impose a New One World Economy
that would in turn support Global Governance and a New United
Nations World Order? Could the radical environmentalists who are
now suggesting a myriad of annoying behavior modifications, someday have a standing army to enforce their lifestyle changes and a world
court to punish repeat offenders?
Remember, “Agenda 21” includes the three E’s of sustainability—environment, economy and equity. Translated that means strict
enforcement of environmental laws and regulations and a carefully
regulated economy that is based on socialist-communist principals of
equity redistribution as the U.N. takes from the rich and gives to the
Come to think of it, that concept has already taken root in America.
    The desire to rule the world is as old as mankind.
From the Caesars of Rome to Alexander the Great, from Hitler’s
National Socialist Party to France’s Napoleon Bonaparte and from
Joseph Stalin’s Union of Soviet Socialist Republics to the Islamic
nations that terrorize the planet today, man has longed to impose his
dominance on the other citizens of our planet. “Global Governance”
is a modern day version of that age old desire. A small group of supposedly “enlightened elitists” will decide what is best for the rest of us.
Many are naturally suspicious of the planet being dominated by a
one world government or a one world economic system. It simply
sounds evil to those of us who love and cherish our freedoms. But
globalism has made astounding gains in the past forty plus years.
Since that first 1970 Earth Day, much of the U.N.’s progress has been
under the benign banner of a supposedly well-intentioned, “green,
environmental agenda”.
After the first U.N. Earth Summit and follow-up “Agenda 21”
meeting in Kyoto, Japan, The Brundtland Commission, Maurice
Strong, his wife Hanna and other U.N. officials were preparing to
shift their global environmental agenda into overdrive. But they had
one fundamental problem; few in America trust the United Nations.
In the 1970s, virtually every bus bench at public transit stops in
California was used by the John Birch Society to advertise their plea,
“Get US out of

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