from anyone at this point. Mistress Khalida would help in the south because of the wicked warlock that was in command of the armies down there. She would let the giants and the druid Yukio handle things in the north. All of them received the news of Yukio being the seventh druid surprisingly well and were even heartened to have the backing of at least one member of his order.
The Forest of Renshaw
The orcs made their noisy march north adjacent to the eaves on the eastern edge of the Black Forest. They did not venture further into the woods because of the uneasy feeling that emanated from the ancient oaks. They all felt like they were being watched and that the trees were moving in unnatural ways considering there was only a weak breeze. General Tomo’s army was marching at a feverish pace because they were supposed to reach Queen Kishi at the base of Mount Lamont within the next three days. General Synan’s much larger army had been reduced to the same size of General Tomo’s because he was at the front of the assault Landen’s southern cliffs. The general ordered his troops to halt for the day when they had reached the middle of the western cliffs. He had his soldiers begin work on setting up a new base camp further into the thick black oaks of the forest.
General Tomo’s army did not look back at those who remained behind in the enchanted forest. Even though the orcs were united under Kana, they were still divided by their different tribes. They remained loyal to the general leading their particular army and did not fraternize with anyone outside their respective clans. The fallen guardian had realized that it was no good in trying to make them get along, so she felt it was time to divide them up. She felt confident that by moving the three orc armies into positions in the north, west, and south that they would finally be able to have a balanced attack. She knew that this would give her minions the best chance of finally gaining some ground against the stubborn forces that ringed the cliffs of Landen.
As Tomo’s troops began their work they discovered several old dilapidated buildings that had not been used for many years. Rust appeared to have done its work over centuries of neglect and lack of use. As the general’s commander made his way through these structures he had a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach. Commander Nolan looked closer at the rust color on the walls and discovered that it was actually dark red blood. A soft hoot of an owl overhead made the stout leader jump. He cast his eyes about to see where the ruddy bird was. He started to back away from the building as the atmosphere around him seemed to be closing in on him. As he turned his attention to his troops who had watched him enter the eerie place, he noticed that they all had frightened looks on their faces. He felt invisible hands reaching for him.
“What are you dogs looking at?” blasted Commander Nolan Sugguk harshly. He was trembling slightly at the unexplainable oppression around him. He shrugged as though he was trying to ward something off. He was not too happy that some of the soldiers saw his jumpiness. I hate this cursed forest!
“There are shadows or spirits in that place” replied one of his soldiers as he pointed to the buildings the commander had just left. This timid behavior was not acceptable to any orc soldier; however, no one seemed inclined to ridicule the one who had spoken since they all felt the same way.
“What are you on about? There’s nothing back there! Back to work!” barked the commander loudly. His anger was escalating quickly as he felt the situation getting out of control though he had no idea what was happening or even what the situation was.
The soldiers dispersed slowly while muttering beneath their breath about the evil spirits they thought were all around them. They did not try to hide their disapproval of making base camp
Matt Christopher, Robert Hirschfeld