The Headstrong Ward

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Book: The Headstrong Ward by Jane Ashford Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jane Ashford
a distorted view of brotherly exchanges, Anne. You must take my word for it, Laurence would not brook my interference. Allow that I know more of my family than you.”
    This callous remark brought back all Anne’s personal grievances. She pushed back her chair and rose. “You should ,” she cried. “You were allowed to live in it!” She picked up her skirts and ran from the dining room.
    Mariah, who had been placidly eating a Chantilly creme through this exchange, looked up in time to see the door slam. She shook her head and turned to gaze at Charles. He looked exasperated. “You know as little about handling young girls as you do about gardening,” she commented, rising from her place.
    â€œNo doubt,” retorted the viscount bitterly. “And I can only say I was very happy in my ignorance.”
    â€œIndeed?” Mariah’s gray eyes twinkled. “I wonder how long that will last.” And she followed Anne out of the room.
    Lord Wrenley, left to himself, rang for the port and, when it came, poured it out savagely. This was just what he had expected—his peace cut up by emotional scenes, his temper roused by foolish chatter, and his pleasant routine disrupted by annoying trivialities. His predictions about Anne’s arrival had been dead on the mark. The only thing to do now was get to London as soon as possible, where he could hand her over to Laurence and Edward and wash his hands of the whole dreary matter.
    The Debenham party set off for town four days later, making quite a caravan on the high road. Charles and Laurence rode. Anne and Mariah occupied the traveling chaise. And the servants and baggage took up two other vehicles behind. The viscount was irritable, and the others avoided him, but Laurence did everything in his power to make up for it by being pleasant and attentive to the ladies’ wishes. He joined them for several stages in the chaise, and by the time they reached London, Anne felt she knew him fairly well, and liked him better.
    They pulled up before the Debenham town house in the late afternoon. Anne had never seen it before and was curious about all its fittings. Since Charles disappeared as soon as they arrived, Laurence showed her over it, and she praised the light elegance of the furnishings until he said, “Yes, Charles has done a splendid job on the place. He has fine taste.”
    â€œYour mother did not decorate it?”
    â€œYears ago, yes. But she rarely came to London after Father died, you know, so Charles had the place refurbished.”
    Just like him, thought Anne.
    â€œEdward is coming over to dinner,” continued the other, “so we shall have all the family together again.”
    â€œHow touching,” replied Anne. Her tone made Laurence glance sharply at her, and she hurriedly added, “How is Edward?”
    â€œWell.” He chuckled. “Very dashing. He is a captain in the Horse Guards, you know, and extremely pleased about it. He is well fitted for a military career.”
    â€œAs you are for the church?” Anne watched him closely.
    â€œI hope so,” answered Laurence, surprised. “I do my best.”
    â€œDid Charles decide what you and Edward would do?”
    â€œCharles?” He laughed a little. “No indeed. He sent us both off to Oxford with ample allowances and obvious relief and told us to choose a profession. I have never heard him remark on the outcome.”
    â€œHe seems strangely uninterested in his family.”
    â€œAh, well, it was a case of too much too soon, I suppose.”
    Anne frowned, not understanding, but before she could inquire further, a gong sounded below.
    â€œWe must change for dinner,” added Laurence. “That was the half hour bell. Can you find your way back to your bedchamber?”
    â€œOh, yes.”
    â€œGood. I will see you in the drawing room, then.”
    Anne walked slowly along the corridor to her room,

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