
Blackout by Andrew Cope Read Free Book Online

Book: Blackout by Andrew Cope Read Free Book Online
Authors: Andrew Cope
    ‘Diamonds,’ blurted the professor, clicking a button on his laptop that showed a picture of a diamond just in case anyone had forgotten what they looked like. ‘Superheated diamonds, that is. And whoever is behind the plot would need hundreds of them.’
    The professor hit another laptop key and a picture of Gordon Blooming-Whittingstall appeared on the screen.
    ‘I doubt this is a coincidence,’ he explained. ‘As we know, there has been a series of crimes – diamond robberies to be specific. All have taken place when rich people have congregated together. This chap is a famous restaurateur. He held a celebrity night when the great and the good enjoyed a meal at Numero Uno. Someone, well, this person to be precise,’ noted the professor, clicking to a picture of washer-upper Reg, ‘spiked their drinks and made off with a million pounds’ worth of sparklers.’
    ‘Crikey, he’s a bit old,’ remarked Ollie.
    ‘Exactly. We’re beginning to identify an interesting pattern.’
    Shakespeare was still on the window sill, ears pricked. His senses still told him to run.
Me, near water? He’s not just a scientist. He’s a mad scientist!
But his new-found sense of adventure meant he’d love to be part of an official mission. He decided to listen a little longer.
Let’s hear the professor out
, he thought.
And see what my role is
    Professor Cortex clicked again and a picture of a train appeared. ‘This, folks, is the Orient Express. The most famous and most expensive train in the world. And, last week, guess what? Drinks were spiked and someone made off with a massive hoard of diamonds. Please note,’ he said gravely, peering over the top of his spectacles at the breathless family, ‘valuables like gold and cash, which could easily have been taken, weren’t. Full wallets were left untouched. It’s clear that these robbers are only after one thing.’
    ‘Diamonds,’ piped up Ben, catching on quickly.
    ‘And you said “robbers”,’ said Sophie. ‘Plural. As though you know there’s more than one.’
    ‘Well, here’s the thing, young lady,’ explained
the professor. ‘CCTV pictures have captured several of the villains. And they’re all, you know …’
    ‘No,’ said Sophie. ‘We don’t.’
    ‘Old people,’ blurted the professor. ‘And I mean really old people. Not old like me. Old as in ancient.’
    ‘Wow,’ gasped Ollie, as if being older than the professor was stretching his imagination.
    The professor clicked again and his laptop beamed another picture, this time of an elderly couple dressed in black. ‘These two,’ he said, ‘got away with ten million pounds’ worth of diamonds from a high-security safety-deposit box. In a high-security bank!’
    ‘No way!’ said Ollie, looking at the couple and sounding impressed. ‘Ancient! The oldest bank robbers in the world. How come they haven’t been caught?’
    ‘That, Master Oliver, is a very good question. There is a massive reward for their capture. And I mean massive. It would fund my Spy Pet programme for an entire year. But I have a hunch that it’s about more than diamond robberies. I think the diamond robberies and
the shooting down of satellites are somehow linked.’
    Mrs Cook was looking confused. ‘I don’t get it,’ she said. ‘What’s this got to do with us going on the
    ‘Because, Mrs Cook,’ said the professor, his eyes lighting up again, ‘there are lots of rich people aboard. With diamonds.’
    ‘So you think the thief will be on-board,’ gasped Ben, punching the air in excitement. ‘And you’re going to capture them and collect the reward.’
    ‘And save the world from going offline,’ beamed Ollie.
    ‘Plus, all the robbers are octogenarians,’ explained the professor. ‘So they’re not dangerous.’
    ‘Octogenarians?’ asked Ollie.
    ‘Very old people,’ volunteered Sophie. ‘Like, in their eighties.’
    ‘And do they have eight arms?’ asked Ollie,

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