The Horseman

The Horseman by Marcia Lynn McClure Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: The Horseman by Marcia Lynn McClure Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marcia Lynn McClure
Tags: Romance, western romance, clean romance
could see that Briney’s hair had lost every one of its pins. It
hung long and free—windblown—looking exactly like the mane of the
horse she rode. Her cheeks were rosy, and her nose was as red as a
cherry. Most noticeable, however, was the change in the young
woman’s countenance—as if she’d just managed to escape prison and
was basking in the euphoria of her newfound freedom.
    Even from the distance Gunner could see she
was smiling. And as she rode nearer and nearer, at last reining in
before him, he realized a smile was spread across his own face as
well. He figured there wasn’t a man on earth that could resist
smiling at such a sight as Briney Thress astride Sassy and looking
more cheerful and beautiful than any woman ever had.
    “Mr. Cole,” Briney addressed the Horseman,
“this horse of yours is perfect! As gentle as a butterfly and yet
as strong and quick as Joe Cotton himself!”
    Gunner chuckled and smiling at her said,
“Well, I don’t know if Sassy’s as fast as Joe Cotton…but she is a
good-natured, calm mount.” He paused, adding, “The perfect horse
for a lovely lady like yourself, Miss Thress.”
    Briney laughed, delighted by his flattery.
“Oh, now don’t feel the need to butter me up, Mr. Cole, because if
you’re willing to allow me to purchase Sassafras, I’ll do it here
and now…right on this very spot!”
    “Well, I’m mighty glad you’ve taken to her,
Miss Thress,” Gunner said, stroking Sassy’s jaw.
    “Need any help dismounting, Miss Thress?”
Charlie asked, offering a hand to Briney.
    “Oh no, indeed not,” Briney assured him. “And
I will admit that riding astride is much preferable to
sidesaddle…at least to my way of thinking.”
    However, although Briney managed a graceful
dismount of Sassy, the moment her feet hit the ground, she knew she
was in trouble.
    “Oh dear,” she breathed as she was
immediately aware of a terrible soreness in her legs and
    “We might should’ve warned you, ma’am,”
Charlie began, frowning as he studied her with concern. “If you’ve
never ridden astride…well, ma’am, three hours is a mighty long time
to ride if a body ain’t used to it.”
    Briney looked up to Gunner Cole, trying to
appear as settled and strong as possible. She realized, however,
that her severe discomfort must’ve been more obvious than she
thought, for Mr. Cole rather grimaced in sympathy and said, “I…uh…I
didn’t realize you were plannin’ on bein’ gone so long, Miss
Thress, else I would’ve warned you about the stiffness you’ll
probably be feelin’ this evenin’.”
    “This evening?” Briney asked.
    “Oh yes, ma’am,” Charlie interjected. “What
you’re feelin’ now…well, that’s just the beginnin’ of it, I’m
    “What?” Briney gasped, looking at the horse
wrangler in astonishment. “How can it feel any worse than
    “Oh, I’m sure it won’t be as bad as all that,
Miss Thress,” Gunner assured her. “And besides, I was plannin’ on
headin’ into town here in a few minutes, and it looks like you rode
up just in time to catch a buggy ride with me. What do you say?”
Gunner paused, his handsome brows puckering with concern as he
added, “Unless you’re wantin’ to walk all the way back on your own.
I just figured, well…that you might have somethin’ to get back to
since you’ve been gone ridin’ for near to three hours.”
    “Three hours?” Briney exclaimed. She had no
idea she’d been gone so long. “Oh, I’m so sorry, Mr. Cole! You were
probably thinking I was a horse thief or something! I suppose I’m
fortunate you didn’t string me up by the neck when I did
    Gunner chuckled, and the sound caused
Briney’s heart to flutter. He was so handsome! Everything about him
was handsome—even the way he laughed.
    “Oh, not at all, Miss Thress,” he assured
her. “I know all too well how a body can get lost in the day and
just ridin’ out to peace and

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