The House of Wood

The House of Wood by Anthony Price Read Free Book Online

Book: The House of Wood by Anthony Price Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anthony Price
    “Rach, calm down. We’re doing
all we can. These things take time.”
    “I just want to be able to go
home. How can they even suggest I’m a suspect, I wasn't even in
    Nathan looked at her square in
the eyes. “It’s just routine. We have to investigate every possible
avenue, just in case. Nobody really believes you could be involved.
Especially not me.”
    He smiled at her. The warmth
and genuine care in his eyes melted away the tension. It wasn't
until that moment that Rachel realised how much she had missed him.
She smiled back. “Thank you. I'm sorry I was being a bitch.”
    “That’s okay,” he replied. “No
one can blame you.”
    Moments ticked by, as the two
of them sat in silence. Tiny dust mites danced in the air, as the
lazy sunlight burned through the glass window, causing them to
flash silver.
    Rachel took a short sip of her
espresso, rolling the bitter black liquid over her tongue. Not once
did she take her eyes away from the window. How long would she have
to wait? She wondered. A part of her was pleased to be back in town
among old friends and familiar places. Over the road was the shop
where she bought her prom dress; next to that was the small cinema,
where she had her first date. There had been so many good times. A
lot of them with the guy sitting opposite. But there was another
part of her. The part that knew this was the last time she would
return home.
    “Nathan,” she said, not looking
up from her coffee. “I’ve missed not having you around. You're
about the only thing I have missed around
    “I’ve missed you too, Slugger.
The place hasn't been the same without you. Without any of
    “Yeah.” The silver locket
around her neck was cold against her warm skin. Why did she still
wear it? She didn't want to think about that now. “When I go home,
promise you'll come and visit.”
    She noticed Nathan's shoulders
slump. He took a long sip of his coffee.
    “I’ll try,” he said, no longer
looking at her. “With work and all. You know how it is.”
    “I won't take no for an answer.
I'm sure Becky would like to see you again.” She let the
insinuation hang in the air. It went unnoticed. “I think she likes
    “I doubt it, we only just
    “Well, she hasn't stopped
talking about it since the funeral,” Rachel replied. “Maybe, you
should ask her out on a date?”
    “Maybe,” Nathan said. He
fidgeted in his chair. “Talking of dates, maybe we -“
    A loud crash from the back of
the shop cut the sentence short. Rachel turned her head away to see
what the noise was. It was only a mousy waitress with tomato red
cheeks; a result of her clumsiness with the tray. Rachel turned
back. As she did so, her face lit up.
    “Doctor Cochrane.” The words
fumbled from her lips before she could stop them.
    David looked over his shoulder
with a frown. His eyes roamed over the patrons of the café. As soon
as they locked onto Rachel, she felt her stomach drop. He smiled at
her, picked up his coffee and walked towards her.
    “Doctor Cochrane, hi,” she
said, feeling like a schoolgirl with a crush. Nathan fidgeted
    David swept back his fringe.
“Hello, Miss James. I didn't think I'd have the pleasure of seeing
you again. I hope all is well?”
    “Things could be better, but on
the whole, I'm not too bad.”
    “Good.” He turned to Nathan.
“Afternoon, deputy, keeping the streets safe I hope.”
    “We do our best,” Nathan
replied at the joke, not bothering to look up.
    Rachel could see the tension
mounting on his face. The air had become awkward.
    “Doctor Cochrane -“
    “David, please.”
    She smiled. “David, would you
like to join us?”
    “I’ve got a break now. I’d love
    David sat down in the seat next
to Rachel. If looks could kill, then she would have dropped stone
dead on the floor. Nathan was scowling at her.
    She gave him a quick kick under
the table. “Have you met David before, Nathan?”

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