The Infinite Evolution - Conversion
two crowds, and easier to
catch up to. Spencer decided not to play the odds and focused on
the larger of the two crowds. Either way Spencer knew he would not
let her get away so easily this time. He wanted to guarantee he was
going to be first one off, so as the tram was getting closer to
Central Circuit he maneuvered his way towards the exit through what
felt like a maze of sardines.
    As the doors opened, Spencer was
the third person out and quickly took position, so he would have an
uninterrupted view of all the exit points leading off the tram.
Spencer’s eyes darted back and forth in an attempt to locate
    “ How hard could it be? It’s not like anyone
else on the tram came close to her beauty,” thought
    As the last of the passengers
debarked, Spencer’s jaw dropped, as he wondered, “Where did she
    Spencer yelled her name loud
enough to the point where people turned around to see where the
ruckus was coming from. He ran back towards the tram, looked in,
and found no one. As the doors closed, Spencer realized he had once
again lost her. “How could I have missed her!” he yelled to
    As Spencer approached the
employees’ entrance, he realized he needed to head back towards the
group of non-employees. Spencer knew if entered the employee’s
walkway he would be detained.
    While Spencer approached Central
Circuit’s public entrance, he carried a great deal of
disappointment, but still admired his surroundings. He first walked
between two large fountains, followed by a large glass archway that
covered three hundred yards of a bluish quartz stone walkway.
Suspended on either side were numerous ten by ten, glass colored
panels that reflected images of the technology growth since the
early 1900’s, which Spencer surprisingly enjoyed looking
    Once Spencer finally entered
Central Circuit a human size hologram, that represented one of the
co-founders, greeted him. “Welcome to Central Circuit, the world’s
largest developer of software and the leading designers in
artificial intelligence. Please check in at the security desk, we
detect you do not have PIC. We are having a special this
    Spencer quickly interrupted, “Yeah, yeah, so not
interested,” as he headed to his first destination.
    While Spencer walked over, he
looked up and became impressed with the three enormous holoscreens
suspended one hundred feet above his head. They showed clips of
technological achievements and how these achievements rendered
positive effects on people from around the world.
    “ That must be new,” said
    The intensely large lobby also
displayed a variety of dated computer equipment suspended from the
glass dome, to include an Apple Lisa computer that contained the
first graphical user interface back in the 1980s. The natural light
that came through the bluish tinted ceiling glass received
amplification, and created a heavenly halo around all the
    Spencer approached the security
desk where another life sized hologram greeted him and asked him to
submit to a retinal scan, which he agreed to. After Spencer cleared
security, a small circular silver and white mechanical device
hovered out from a nearby room.
    “ Good morning, Mr. Cade, I am
Guide 59 and I will be your chaperone during your
    “ I know the routine,” replied
    “ Mr. Cade, have you thought about obtaining a
PIC? With a PIC you would be able to tour our facilities without me
or one of my other co-workers.”
    “ You and your ‘co-workers’ ask me this all the
time and I keep giving you the same answer, no, not
    “ Yes, Mr. Cade. Dr. Fields is waiting for you
on floor thirty-seven. Please follow me.”
    Spencer ignored his chaperone and
walked to the moveable walkway where he glided down, and was
surprisingly entertained with a series of illuminating colors that
reflected off the arched ceilings. When Spencer reached the bank of
elevators he left the moveable walkway

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