The Ivy Lessons

The Ivy Lessons by J Lerman Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: The Ivy Lessons by J Lerman Read Free Book Online
Authors: J Lerman
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Contemporary
es ...’ He runs a hand across the screen . ‘You don’t go through to the second term. This is not a nur sery or a school,’ Marc continues. ‘ My college is like the real world. If you don’t perform well at all times, pack your bags.’
    ‘Which is why getting a certificate from this college opens so many doors,’ Cecile pipes up. ‘That’s why I’m here Mr Blackwell, to get the best drama qualification in the country.’
    ‘I don’t believe I asked for your comment, Miss Jefferson,’ says Marc. ‘And unless I ask for it, I don’t want to hear it. If you have a question, raise your hand and I’ll decide if it’s worth answering or not.’
    Cecile looks furious at being told off, but she’s clever enough not to complain.
    ‘So.’ Marc picks up a pointer and smacks it on the projection screen. ‘ Your performances will prove to me you have what it takes to stay on this course. You will be performing in front of me, one-on-one . We start this week .’

Chapter 13
    Marc picks up a remote control from the lecturer podium and clicks away the Ivy College screen. In its place are lists of names and plays. I watch his strong fingers grip the pointer, and he smacks it on the screen again.
    ‘I’ve assigned each of you a part and pages for your first performance.’
    I stare at the lists of names and realise they’re our names, followed by the name of a character, play and page numbers for the script. I scan the list for my name. Beside me, Tanya takes heavy-rimmed black glasses from her bag and slides them on.
    ‘Make a note of which part you’re playing, and start practising,’ says Marc. ‘I have a library of scripts in the stationary cupboard.’ He waves the white pointer at a door beside the projection screen. You can go get the script you need at the end of the class.’
    I squint at the screen, and finally see my name, right at the bottom. The play next to my name is: Call of the Night , and my character is the lead, Jennifer Jones. I blink and stare. Oh my God. Jennifer Jones is a ballet dancer who seduces her theatre director. The part has been taken on by some amazing actresses in the past. Nicole Kidman. Meryl Streep. There’s no nudity, but the role is very femme fatale.
    Beside me, Tanya groans.
    ‘Who did you get?’ I ask.
    ‘Bianca, from Taming of the Shrew,’ she says. ‘About as different from the parts I usually play as you could possibly get.’
    ‘Quiet now,’ says Marc, silencing the grumblings in the room. ‘The point of these parts is to stretch you as actors. To take you into territories you haven’t been before. I want you to go away and practise those parts. Then, each of you will come and see me in the theatre room and perform. If you pass the performance, you get to stay on the course and try out for the next one. It’s that simple. Got it?’
    I see nervous nods around me, and feel myself nodding too.
    ‘Those of you who are performing scenes with two people, I’ll be performing the other part. Some of you just have monologues. So.’ Marc strides along the front row, and I hold my breath. ‘Any complaints about my teaching methods?’
    There is silence.
    Marc stops right in front of me. ‘Good. Because have no doubt. If you don’t like the way I do things, you’ve got one choice. Leave.’
    I grab my pen and start twiddling it. I don’t think I can do this. I don’t think I can play the part of Jennifer Jones in front of anyone, let alone Marc Blackwell. It’s too ... I don’t know. Jennifer Jones is supposed to be really attractive and sexy, and I don’t see myself that way.
    Marc smiles that quirky, spiky smile that makes him so good at playing bad guys in action movies. He opens the cupboard beside the projection screen, and waves his hand to welcome us into it. ‘The scripts are all in here. Help yourselves. And remember. The mark of a good actor is their ability to take on any role and make it their own. I hope you’re ready to impress me.’

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