The Jake Thomas Trilogy: Book 02 - Sword of Light

The Jake Thomas Trilogy: Book 02 - Sword of Light by Steven A. Tolle Read Free Book Online

Book: The Jake Thomas Trilogy: Book 02 - Sword of Light by Steven A. Tolle Read Free Book Online
Authors: Steven A. Tolle
only a brave heart, he accompanied Jake, Sister Hailyn and Brother Jonas into the demons’ lair.  He was their sword, keeping them safe and fighting to rescue me.  Honor him as well.”
    “Honor to Lord Marcus!”  The soldiers cheered again, shaking their weapons.  Marcus bowed in acknowledgement.
    “While Brother Jonas and Sister Hailyn cannot be so named because of their calling, I asked that you honor them as well.”  Keria continued when relative quiet descended over the courtyard.  “They faced down a host of Imps and a Demon Lord to free me, with their power and faith in the One bringing the Light into that dark place.  I will always be in their debt.”  She gestured for Hailyn to stand.
    Hailyn stood and raised her hand.  “We clerics are but servants of the One.”  She stated, gesturing towards the other clerics in the courtyard.  “We would do the same for any of His children.  Honor Him, for He provided our strength and allowed us to be victorious.”
    The soldiers let out another cheer.  “Honor to the One and His clerics!”
    Taking Marcus’ hand, Keria stepped down from the wagon as the soldiers returned to their duties, the courtyard buzzing with their conversations.  She looked at Jake, her eyes shining with joy.  “I will leave you in Hailyn’s care.  We will be riding without stop to the city at first light, so get some rest.”
    After Keria went back inside, Jake decided to inquire about a shower.  His saddlebags were in the wagon, so he called up his magic and pulled out a set of clean clothes.  He was able to slowly walk to the shower point, accompanied by a soldier at Hailyn’s request.
    By the time he had cleaned up and changed his clothes, the sun was setting.  As he made his way back to the wagon, he observed the soldiers lighting the watch torches.  Even though he had not walked a great distance, he could feel his legs getting shaky despite his power, so he was grateful to climb back into the wagon bed and lean against the rails.  He held onto his power until he finished eating, and then released it.  He embraced the weakness that settled over his body and allowed himself to fall into sleep.
    Jake started awake when the first horns sounded, calling the soldiers to rise.  The sky was still dark as the courtyard came alive with sound as the soldiers began rolling up their blankets, packing away their supplies and donning their armor and weapons.  Jake saw groups of soldiers that were ready heading out the open gate.  Hailyn was already up, speaking with a couple of nearby soldiers.  She noticed that Jake was awake and came over.
    “Once the soldiers clear out of the courtyard, the horses will be brought in and hooked up to the wagons.”  She told him.  “Once that is done, we will begin the trip back.”  She tossed a wrapped packet next to him.  “It is cold rations this morning.”
    Jake embraced his power, his shining form throwing back the night, and arranged his armor, saddlebags and blankets to form a makeshift seat in the wagon bed, so he could face forward.  As he was doing this, the horses were brought in and soldiers hooked them to the wagon.  The soldiers saluted Jake when they were finished, which he awkwardly returned.
    Hailyn took the reins and started the wagon out of the gates.  They were directed to a spot to wait for the rest of the formation to gather, several soldiers on horseback standing guard close by.  While they waited, Jake finished his rations and talked quietly with Hailyn.
    As the sky began to lighten in the east, the horns sounded again.  Captain Grashin rode over to his officers and, after giving them their orders, called for the army to form up.  Keria’s carriage was the last to leave the security of the fortress.  Marcus, his armor reflecting the light of the torches, was riding next to it.  As before, they deployed the bulk of the forces and clerics around the carriage, with Jake and Hailyn placed directly

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