The Keepers

The Keepers by 1PUNK1 Read Free Book Online

Book: The Keepers by 1PUNK1 Read Free Book Online
Authors: 1PUNK1
Tags: Religión, Romance, destiny, God, life, evil, purpose, good, meaning of life
as he could bring out of
himself said:
    “ Clearly, this
meeting is over and by this meeting; this meeting was an attempt to
help the both of you.” He looked at Chantel sadly and then cast a
short glance at Rikki. He continued:
    “ This meeting
was an attempt at concluding this whole debacle as best as could be
done with minimal damage. But, it is over-”
    “ Rikki, why
would I lie? You even insisted on not using condoms, do you
remember that? I don't even want your money, I just want what's
best for my child- our
child . By God, the child is yours. I told you
before. I told you when I told you. I told you when you threw me
out like a vomit. I tell you now ,” s he said and deep drawn sobs escaped her
    “ Everyone is
trying to take my money. Even those claimin to
help ,” h e said
and cast an obvious glance at his lawyer.
    The lawyer, red-faced and given
up was the first to stand up. He had had enough.
    “ No matter how
much you pay me,” he said, “ doesn’t mean
you can shut me up when I'm only trying to help you. But,” He
laughed contemptuously, “clearly, you are
your own lawyer and now I wish you good tidings. I quit.” He wished
Mr. Richards and Chantel good luck too and “By the way Rikki, if
the child is yours, you are definitely going to lose.” A nd he went out the conference room door and left.
    “ Chantel it would be a pleasure to represent
you , ” Mr. Richards said, his voice
directed more to Rikki than to her. “Go home and rest, do not worry
about anything. I'll take it from here.” He stood up, grabbed the
recorder and waited for Chantel, still sobbing to stand too and
escorted her. At the door he looked at Rikki still
s ea ted in his chair, tired and wearisome
    “ I believe you will find your way
out , ” Mr. Richards said and “see
you in court , ” he added.
    “ Greed makes
you not human. Mammon is self-destructing and mammon is to be
controlled, not worshipped ,” says The Voice. Rikki did not know this.
    During the
months from the meeting leading up to the seventeenth of November
the same year, a paternity suit was filed, papers were served to a
Mr. Royke Chards, and blood tests confirmed Mr. Royke Chards as
father to the child Neville Wiggins and
then just to be safe, a suit for full custody for Ms. Chantel
Wiggins was filed. Rikki did not show up for the latter and she

Interlude: The

    What is
momentum? The spirit? The force? Luck? That which many talk about?
That it helps. The law of attraction? The grace?. If one said that
humans were much smarter before science, would you disagree? What
if the meaning of life, just on a need to know basis is to take
over? Would you disagree? Some of which that we do not know is just
for our own good. Is it that for a real human being such things as
capitalism, communism, money, power, and greed have no meaning?
Those who are atheist, are they so because they just gave up
searching for something to believe in. Truly one who is such is
dead. Order, civilisation, discipline. Those were the days. C onsider a ball moving. The ball has momentum
associated with its mass and velocity. Consider a human being
living, does not the human being have a momentum too? Only a fool
would say no. Lies bring more lies. Truths bring more truths.
Murders bring more deaths. Life begets more life. It was when
science took over that humans felt they ‘are too old to believe’
but what humans knew not was that below religion-any religion-
there is a scientific reason why. But then could one say for a ball
in motion that nothing moved it from the start? That the ball has
always been in motion. Absurdity. Then why is that some say nothing
‘kick-started’ life? Absurdity.
    In this world
there are always two ways. One or zero. On or off. In or out. In
this world, there is good and bad, and good and bad are relative.
For example, for one who kills, building weapons is good. The
opposite is true for one who does not kill. Now,

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