The Kingdom of the Nine; The Vampire Legacy IV

The Kingdom of the Nine; The Vampire Legacy IV by Dawn Gray Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: The Kingdom of the Nine; The Vampire Legacy IV by Dawn Gray Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dawn Gray
Tags: Romance, series, Vampires, prophecy, dawn gray, the vampire legacy, julian deveraux
were trying to picture it.
    “You must be a writer.” David laughed.
“You're very descriptive.”
    “She's just remembering.” Quinn spoke up.
“Let her be.” He turned and looked at me. “Go on.”
    “I remember that the next thing my eyes saw
was blurs, colorful blurs one with black hair, the other blond, and
a third standing by the fire with almost red hair.” I walked over
and sat down on the floor next to the fire and stared into its
bright flames. “They focused quickly, letting me see all of you,
but I just wanted to lay there and listen and I heard David ask who
I was, then Quinn's strong voice interrupted him, telling him that
obviously I wasn't someone that could be harmed, though I'm not
sure what that meant, but it was Michael's unusual observation that
made me giggle letting you know that I was awake. He said that
    “That you smelled like Julian.” Michael
interrupted. I looked at him, smiling as he laughed. “I remember
    “Yes, that was it that I smelled like Julian
and at the time I didn't understand why you would say that because
I hadn't seen Julian all day. It was only after the fact, when I
thought about it that I remembered Julian had come over early in
the morning, before anyone else was awake and we had snuck out to
the beach. When it was clear to the three of you that I was awake,
I remember Quinn, who was sitting on the bed beside me, lean over
and look me dead in the eyes.” I looked at Quinn, who had gone back
to staring at the ceiling, then turned back to the fire, myself. “I
think he was trying to scare me, I really do, but then he just
smiled when I didn't shy away from him, and got off the bed.
    “Julian came in shortly after insisting on
checking me over for bite marks when he found out that the three of
you had rescued me and changed my clothes. He introduced each one
of you, making sure I knew what to watch out for when I was alone
with you, not that I think he expected me to be, and that was that,
you were part of me from that moment on, and it's sad that I'm only
now remembering how it felt to be part of something that powerful,
to have a bond with not one but four people, it felt unbreakable.”
I whispered and looked down at my hand a moment before looking back
up. “I just wish I could remember what it was that made me forget
in the first place.”
    I watched as this statement got looks from
the four of them, and all eyes turned to look at Julian, who wasn't
looking at anything but the floor. I stood up and walked over to
him, knelt down close enough to touch him in several ways and put
my hand on his knees.
    “What is it that you don't want to tell me,
Julian?” I asked as I watched him shiver as he reached out and
touched my hands with his. “Do you know what happened?”
    “Yes.” He whispered, looking into my eyes.
“But, I can't tell you, not yet.”
    “Why?” I asked him. Julian shook his head and
got up, suddenly, moving away from my touch.
    “I've just gotten you back, Cait.” He
answered with his back to me. “I don't want to lose you, again, not
so soon after you've just arrived.”
    “Do you think I'm going to leave if I find
out?” I questioned, standing up also. The others all turned or, in
some way, moved to see what was going on as I walked up behind him.
“I have so much to remember, Julian, but the feelings, the
overpowering pull I have towards you is already there. I'm not
leaving. I won't disappear again.” I stopped and waited for him to
respond then it occurred to me and I put a hand on his back,
feeling him tense up at my touch. “Tell me, Julian, did you have
something to do with it?”
    Silence was all I received as a reply and
slowly I removed my hand from his back. I watched his head, bent
down, as he looked towards the floor, in shame, and he looked
towards the side, towards me and closed his eyes.
    “I'm sorry, Caitlyn.” He replied and walked
out the door. I turned, slowly and looked at the others not sure

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