The King's Daughter

The King's Daughter by Barbara Kyle Read Free Book Online

Book: The King's Daughter by Barbara Kyle Read Free Book Online
Authors: Barbara Kyle
apprentices were whispering that a dozen pistols were delivered the night before to a house on the Strand.”
    Thornleigh was unimpressed. “I know. To the Duke of Suffolk’s townhouse. Calthrop was buzzing about it at the wool market.”
    “Really?” Honor went on with growing excitement. “And when I played cards yesterday at the old Marchioness of Exeter’s, someone said the Queen should be careful the country does not rise up in anger over her coming marriage, and the Marchioness went white and hushed her friend and said, ‘Not a word of that!’ And then, here this morning, a gentleman at breakfast said Lord Courtenay, the Earl of Devon, has placed an order with his smith for the trimming of a new suit of mail.”
    Thornleigh waited for more. “That’s all? That’s your evidence of rebellion?”
    “All?” Her eyes flashed irritation. “Richard, the Earl of Devon is planning an insurrection, and his mother, the Marchioness, knows it!”
    Thornleigh shook his head. “Courtenay’s an addlebrained young fop. He spent too many years in that comfortable Tower cell. Not his fault. Old King Henry never could abide a kinsman to be out loose—not one with as much royal blood as Courtenay has. But since he grew up in that pampered prison, the poor dolt can barely even sit a horse. He never learned. A fearless commander of rebels? I think not.”
    “But he was the royal council’s choice to marry the Queen—probably the whole country’s choice. Because of that royal blood, and because he’s English. And the Queen must have insulted him terribly by refusing his suit and choosing the Spanish Prince instead. Courtenay’s a perfect candidate for conspiring against her, whether he fits your image of the manly soldier or not. And the country would rally behind him.”
    “Not necessarily.”
    “Richard, people don’t want this Spanish alliance. The country won’t stand for it.”
    “Talk is cheap. The country may not like what’s happening, but the Queen is the Queen and the law is the law. People will grumble, then they’ll accept. It’s what people do.”
    “But what if, this time, they don’t accept. What if they fight?”
    “Then they’ll become gallows fruit.”
    “Not if they’re at the forefront of a massive revolt—if enough people support them. We could. Perhaps by giving them money.”
    “Absolutely not! Christ, Honor, face the facts that concern us, will you? A harebrained uprising has nothing to do with us.”
    “It has everything to do with us. A rebellion could sweep the Queen from the throne. Princess Elizabeth is next in the line of succession, and she is no religious zealot. Don’t you see? Rebellion will bring real hope.”
    “And if the rebellion is crushed? Then there’ll be no hope.”
    Honor answered quickly; it was clear she had given this serious thought. “Even if an uprising is put down, Queen Mary will at least have seen the extent of the anger at herpolicies. She’ll have to temper her actions. She might never bring back the heresy laws.”
    “And pigs might fly.”
    “Stop it, Richard. Look past your cynicism for once. It’s not just us involved here. Look at how many others will suffer unless the Queen is stopped. Can’t you see how important this is?” Her voice had risen with emotion.
    “With only one good eye,” he said wryly, “I get a different view.”
    She shook her head, then looked away, struggling to compose herself.
    Thornleigh left his chair and took her by the shoulders. “I do see this much. You’re hoping a gang of hotheads will solve our problem. But I won’t put my trust in such a chancy prospect. The Queen is going to marry a ruler who believes with all his heart in the sanctity of the Inquisition, and in using the most hardened Spanish troops to pacify resistance. Once Philip of Spain lands in England, there will be no turning back.”
    “Turning back?” she murmured, her eyes misting. “Lord, Richard, how many times in Antwerp I

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