able to shed Daniella’s company. His Companion looked at him with hope in his eyes, expecting to be asked along. Richter smiled toothily, “Sion, why don’t you show Daniella around. I won’t need you until the ceremony tonight.” He then turned and walked to greet his people. Sion’s glare washed over him with the all of the comforting warmth of a sunlight.
Richter’s first stop was to check in at the half constructed smithy. He was greeted by his wood elf carpenter Roswan . The elf was a gruff six-foot tall man, with a somewhat terse manner. What made him truly stand apart was his hair style. Most elves had long straight hair that they wore loose or plaited. Roswan cut his hair short and wore it high and tight with a large part on the left. He was also one of the few elves with facial hair, and he sported a thick brown mustache.
“Hello Roswan,” Richter said.
Roswan just made a half mmmm, half growl, and kept working on his current project.
Richter gave a sigh. The cantankerous man was not the easiest person to work with. If only he wasn’t so good at his job! “So how are we looking for the forge?” The framework was up, as were the several walls he had seen upon coming back to the village. They had apparently also laid the floor, using slate as opposed to wood. Probably a good idea seeing as how there would be countless sparks and embers from the forge.
The elf gave the same response he had given before when Richter had asked for a progress report, “It’s being built.”
Richter waited for any more information, but as per usual, nothing more was forthcoming. “I love our little talks Roswan .” Grrmmm was the only response. Richter gave a half sigh, “Where are Hilda and the other dwarves?” Hilda was one of the dwarf elders that had initially agreed to come to the village.
“Grrmmm , they are poking around in the mountain,” he said gesturing to the foothills and mountains north of the village. “Might be back tonight for dinner.”
“Well is there anything you need,” Richter asked.
“More wood… more help… more bacon and eggs,” the elf said without looking up.
Richter just shook his head at the man. Not even a “ grrmmmm ” that time. Richter walked on. He tried to say hello to everyone. Most just gave a polite smile or wave, and then went on about their business. Luckily, his Analyze skill let him know everyone’s names, or he would have had no clue as to most. His skill did require mana, though, which wasn’t limitless, so there was a fair amount of “Looking good!” and “My man!” thrown into his greetings as well.
Richter walked past the walls of the village, out into the newly cultivated farmland. Dozens of people were planting various crops. He had bought corn, wheat, potatoes, some soy like plant called ifiz , tomatoes, and a host of others. There were no citrus or other fruit trees, unfortunately. One of the things Richter planned to buy from Hafiz was a series of fruit trees. He had bought several barrels of apples and a type of large citrus fruit that tasted like a mix between passion fruit and limes, but with no refrigeration, they would not last long. Richter had wondered about getting a balanced diet. Of course, he might be worrying for nothing. After all, who knew how his body here matched up with his old Earth body. It would be the bone head move of all time, though, to become a powerful warrior and mage, and then develop scurvy.
All of his impromptu farmers seemed to be on task and happy, so Richter didn’t rock the boat. He was not one to micromanage people who knew their job better than he did. It was a well-stressed point during his upbringing, that a smart leader found people smarter than himself, and then put them to work. Richter had seen no reason to think he had chosen his new villagers poorly. He spent an hour walking among the farmers and speaking with the guards who patrolled the edges of the forest.
It had never been far from Richter’s