The Last Coyote

The Last Coyote by Michael Connelly Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: The Last Coyote by Michael Connelly Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michael Connelly
Tags: thriller
image was completely alien to her. It had been almost thirty-five years since she had seen him. He smiled back anyway.
    “Meredith Roman?”
    She lost her smile as quickly as she had found it before.
    “That’s not my name,” she said in a clipped tone. “You have the wrong place.”
    She moved to close the door but Bosch put his hand on it to stop her. He tried to be as unthreatening about it as he could. But he could see panic starting in her eyes.
    “It’s Harry Bosch?” he said quickly.
    She froze and looked Bosch in the eyes. He saw the panic go away. Recognition and memories flooded her eyes like tears. The smile came back.
    “Harry? Little Harry?”
    He nodded.
    “Oh, darling, c’mere.” She drew him into a tight hug and talked in his ear. “Oh, so good to see you after-let me look at you.”
    She pushed him back and held her hands wide as if appraising a roomful of paintings at once. Her eyes were animated and sincere. It made Bosch feel good and sad at the same time. He shouldn’t have waited so long. He should have visited for reasons other than the one that brought him here now.
    “Oh, come in, Harry. Come in.”
    Bosch entered a nicely furnished living room. The floor was red oak and the stucco walls were clean and white. The furniture was mostly matching white rattan. The place was light and bright but Bosch knew he was there to bring darkness.
    “Meredith is no longer your name?”
    “No, Harry, not for a long time.”
    “What do I call you?”
    “My name is Katherine. With a K. Katherine Register. Spelled like the cash register but you pronounce it ree as in reefer. That’s what my husband used to say. Boy, he was so straight. Outside of me the closest that man ever came to something illegal was to say the word.”
    “He used to say that?”
    “Have a seat, Harry, for crying out loud. Yes, used to. He passed away five years ago last Thanksgiving.”
    Bosch sat down on the couch and she took the chair across the glass coffee table.
    “I’m sorry.”
    “It’s okay, you didn’t know. You never even knew him and I’ve been a different person for a long time. Can I get you something? Some coffee or maybe something stronger?”
    It occurred to him that she had sent him the card on the Christmas soon after her husband’s death. He was hit with another wave of guilt for not having responded.
    “Oh, uh, no, I’m fine. I…do you want me to call you by your new name?”
    She started laughing at the ridiculousness of the situation and he joined in.
    “Call me any damn thing you want.” She laughed girlishly, a laugh he remembered from a long time before. “It’s great to see you. You know, to see how, uh…”
    “I turned out?”
    She laughed again.
    “I guess so. You know, I knew you were with the police because I had read your name in some of the news stories.”
    “I know you knew. I got the Christmas card you sent to the station. That must have been right after your husband died. I, uh, I’m sorry I never wrote back or visited. I should have.”
    “That’s okay, Harry, I know you’re busy with the job and a career and all…I’m glad you got my card. Do you have a family?”
    “Uh, no. How about you? Any children?”
    “Oh, no. No children. You have a wife, don’t you, a handsome man like you.”
    “No, I’m alone right now.”
    She nodded, seeming to sense that he wasn’t here to reveal his personal history to her anyway. For a long moment they just both looked at each other and Bosch wondered what she really thought of his being a cop. The initial delight in seeing each other was descending into the uneasiness that comes when old secrets come close to the surface.
    “I guess…”
    He didn’t finish the thought. He was grappling for a way into the conversation. His interviewing skills had deserted him.
    “You know, if it’s not too much trouble, I’d take a glass of water.” It was all he could think of.
    “Be right back.”
    She got up quickly and

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