The Last Crusade

The Last Crusade by Ira Tabankin Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: The Last Crusade by Ira Tabankin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ira Tabankin
    “If you do that, I’ll find you and have you killed!”
    “Thank you, I’ve been waiting for you to say that. I’ve been recording our conversation; I wonder how much I can sell it for? I’m thinking one hundred million, don’t you agree?”
    “I will track you down, your days are numbered.”
    “So are yours. I wouldn’t get too conformable in the White House; I have a feeling you won’t be there very long.”
    Huma rushes into the Oval Office,
    “Madam President, the news organizations are going crazy over a video about Bill. He supposedly says some nasty things about you and us. They’re all calling asking for your comment.”
    “The full video is on my laptop, watch it then we’ll discuss it.”
    Thirty minutes later, Huma stands up saying,
    “Holy shit!”
    “Tell me about it. The asshole outdid himself this time. I think I’m going to have to drop him and move on. Call my lawyer to prepare the papers.”
    “Yes, ma’am.”
    While Huma calls Hillary’s lawyer from a side phone in the Oval office the intercom rings, Huma picks up the handset, listening, the color drains from her face,
    “Madam President, you need to take this, it’s the Caliphate Prime Minister.”
    “Mr. Prime Minister, Salam wa aleikum.”
    “Ms. Whore, may your soul burn in hell forever.”
    “In that case, what do you want?”
    “Why did you supply advanced weapons to Egypt?”
    “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
    “Didn’t you get the three am call about the Egyptian attack?”
    “Yes, however, it didn’t concern us so I didn’t take the call.”
    “You should have, the Egyptians caused us billions of dollars in losses, they used weapons we didn’t know they possessed. Did you sell or give them the advanced weapons to use against us?”
    “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
    “I will take that as you’re too stupid to know. I can’t wait until the flag of Allah flies over the White House and you serve my troops on your knees. The proper place for you is on your knees before the holy warriors.”
    “Don’t talk to me that way.”
    “I’ll talk to you any way I want. Since I believe you sold the Egyptians the advanced weapons, we’ll see how your economy functions without oil. In a few minutes, I’m going to announce a full oil embargo against the West. Ms. President, since you’re a demon, and agent of Satan, I know you will enjoy hell.”
    “Damn him! HUMA!”
    Huma sticks her head in the Oval Office,
    “Madam President?”
    “The Caliphate is going to embargo oil.”
    “Like they did in the ancient history of the 70s?”
    “Yes, or worse. You better alert the broadcasters, I’ll need to address the nation.”
    “Yes, ma’am, when do you want to address the nation.”
    “In one hour. Get my hairdresser and make-up artist in here right now. Damn, increase my headache meds, it’s not going away.”
    An hour later Ms. Clayton sits behind her desk in the Oval Office with twenty cameras arranged around the front of her. She looks at the light in front of the main camera when it turns red, she looks into the camera, places a phony smile on her face, saying,
    “Good morning my fellow Americans, I’m sorry to have to interrupt you this morning with very bad news. I’ve recently received a call from the Caliphate’s Prime Minister, who has informed me the Caliphate is going to embargo all oil exports to non-Muslim nations. I’m sure the embargo will be for a very short time until the loss of revenue begins to hurt their economies, we have our strategic reserve and our current drilling. This embargo is nothing to worry about. I wanted you to hear about it from me and not be worried when you hear about it from the Caliphate, in fact, I think we should use the embargo as the catalyst to kick start our

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