The Last Crusade

The Last Crusade by Ira Tabankin Read Free Book Online

Book: The Last Crusade by Ira Tabankin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ira Tabankin
up, groggy from the sleeping pills she grabbed the handset,
    “Madam President, it appears the Egyptians have struck the Caliphate forces that were camped along her border.”
    “So what? It sounds like it’s an Egyptian internal issue, don’t bother me again.” Slamming the handset down she wrote herself a quick note to fire the duty officer who woke her. The very question she raised in her 2008 campaign with Obama, the ringing phone at three o’clock had now been answered. Mrs. Clayton rolled over and went back to sleep.
    Ali Muhammad Tanvir and his senior advisors discuss their plan on merging Egypt into the Caliphate when an out of breath messenger runs into the executive dining room interrupting their breakfast,
    “Holy one, there is a major problem with our forces encamped around Egypt, Sir we’ve been attacked!”
    “Has the Great Satan struck us?”
    “Sir, it wasn’t the Great Satan, it was the Egyptians, they used weapons we didn’t know they had. They used a new type of artillery shell which struck the top of our tanks. Each shell struck a tank, they cut through the armor as if it wasn’t there. Sir, we’ve lost thousands of tanks. They followed up the shelling with a missile attack which killed over one hundred thousand troops.”
    Ali Muhammad Tanvir jumped to his feet, knocking the low breakfast table over, spilling their tea and breakfast on the floor,
    “What do you mean we lost over one hundred thousand troops? That’s almost our entire force! What of our invasion fleet off their coast?”
    “Holy one, they used submarines to surprise attack us, every ship has been sunk.”
    “They destroyed all of our forces in one coordinated attack?”
    “Yes, holy one, that’s correct.”
    Ali Muhammad Tanvir pulls his sword out, beheading the messenger. Tanvir wipes his sword on the table cloth, he turns towards his Ministers, h i s face turned dark red, with eyes bulging saying,
    “There’s no way the Egyptians did this alone. Someone helped them! Find out who helped them, I want to know within the hour! Call the Military leaders, we quickly need to review our plans. I want to know the details of how they did this. It had to have been the Great Satan or the Little Satan, no one else has the technology to have pulled off such an attack.”
    “Your holiness, what about the Minor Satan?”
    “Egypt and Russia haven’t been friends for a while, no, I don’t believe so. I think it’s time we turn up the heat on the whore in the White House. It’s time to make her dance.”
    His staff smile knowing he’s going to turn up the heat on the American President until she feels like she’s being burned alive which is what they all want to do to her.
    Chapter 4
    Ms. Clayton wakes with a massive headache and in a horrible mood, the Secret Service agent stationed outside the private living quarters greets her,
    “Good morning Madam President.”
    “Shut the fuck up. No one told you, you could talk to me. I have to accept you in my house, that doesn’t mean I have to allow you to talk to me. Never, never talk to me unless I ask you a direct question. Do you understand me?”
    The agent nods his head.
    “I asked you a direct question, do you want to be guarding an iceberg in the north pole tonight?”
    “No, Madam President. I heard you. I’ll follow your instructions.”
    “There aren’t instructions, these are direct orders! Now shut up and get out of my way.”
    Ms. Clayton storms into the Oval Office, her two assistants are waiting for her, Huma hands her a mug of coffee. “Madam President, here are the evenings reports.”
    “Is there anything I need to read right now?”
    “Ma’am there is the situation in Egypt…”
    “Speaking of which, whoever called me last night is to be fired, if they can’t be fired, transfer them someplace horrible. They woke me,

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