The Last Days Of The Edge Of The World

The Last Days Of The Edge Of The World by Brian Stableford Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: The Last Days Of The Edge Of The World by Brian Stableford Read Free Book Online
Authors: Brian Stableford
Tags: Fantasy fiction
feared. He gritted his teeth.
    “In that case,” he said, “we shall have to adopt what we in political circles call a contingency plan.”
    “You mean,” said Ewan, “that you’re going to make up an answer and send it back hoping that she doesn’t know the right answer any more than we do?”
    Coronado’s eyebrows slowly elevated themselves to the region of his hairline.
    “They did say you were a very clever boy,” he murmured.
    “It’s not necessary,” said Ewan.
    The eyebrows descended like falling logs. “What do you mean?”
    “I mean that we aren’t finished yet. Methwold forest is only half a day’s ride from here. I can be there and back by nightfall. All I have to do, I reckon, is go there, find the signpost, and look at the stone.”
    Coronado moved his lantern jaw slowly from side side, ruminatively. After a brief pause, he said: “You know what you’re suggesting?”
    “Of course,” answered Ewan.
    “Methwold forest is over the border. In the magic lands. It’s enchanted. No one ever goes there. It’s said that the last half a dozen men who even went near it failed to return. There’s no daylight inside the forest, and it’s full of trolls and tree spirits. Not to mention poisonous snakes. It’s not the place to go for a picnic.” Coronado paused, wondering whether he ought to stop trying to talk the boy out of it. Then he went on: “The thing is, boy… I rather like you. You have the makings of a politician. You’re no fool. You know which side your bread’s buttered. Take a tip from me—in a situation like this you always try the tricks of the trade first. Let’s try the contingency plan, eh?”
    “It might not work,” said Ewan. “Sirion Hilversun is an enchanter. He may know what’s on the stone even if no ordinary eye has ever seen it. He may have… ways … of finding out.”
    Coronado nodded, slowly. “It’s a risk,” he admitted. “But so is going into the enchanted forest. I’m a politician. I only take political risks. Only a hero or a fool would take the other one.” While he spoke his eyes lingered on Ewan’s dust-stained face. Is this a hero? wondered the prime minister. Or a fool?
    “I want to go,” said Ewan.
    Coronado thought quickly. Discretion might be best. If the king found out, he might think that Coronado himself had asked or ordered the boy to risk his neck. The king had quite a sentimental streak when it came to the welfare of his subjects. This was better kept quiet.
    “Well,” he said, eventually, “they collected the horses yesterday, I’m afraid. There’s only a couple left. Two carthorses and an old grey mare who hasn’t enough years left in her to make it worth transporting her all the way to Heliopolis. I suppose you’d better take her. But go quickly and quietly. And remember… it’s your own idea. I advised you against it.”
    “That’s all right,” said Ewan. “After all, it’s for the good of the kingdom, isn’t it?”
    “Definitely,” confirmed Coronado.
    “And just between you and me,” said the boy, “we both know who’d take the blame if we submitted a fake answer and it all went wrong. Don’t we?”
    The prime minister’s eyebrows quivered restlessly. “We do understand one another,” he said, softly. “Don’t we?”
    Ewan beat a little of the dust from his jerkin. It didn’t seem to make much difference. He moved past the prime minister and headed for the door.
    “I’ll see you tonight,” he said. “With the answer.”
    “I believe you will,” murmured Coronado. “I do believe you will.”

    It took longer than Ewan expected to get to Methwold forest. The aged grey mare which he had borrowed set off at a good enough stride but tired very quickly. She was doing her best, but her best was a very laboured trot, and even that could be maintained only for a few minutes at a time. He had hoped to arrive at his destination by noon, but the afternoon was well under way by the time he

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