The Last Queen of England

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Book: The Last Queen of England by Steve Robinson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Steve Robinson
Tags: Fiction, General, Historical, Mystery & Detective, Suspense & Thrillers
the pillion handrail with one hand and cradled his briefcase to his chest with the other.   The engine fired up and Jean rocked the bike forward, tipping it off the centre stand, dropping it a several centimetres.   Then they were moving again, racing for the exit.
    Tayte looked back.   He still hadn’t had a good look at this man yet.   Somewhere close by he heard glass pop and shatter and he decided not to try.   He shrank into himself, clutching his briefcase tighter.   The gunman was right behind them, running fast, showing no sign of letting up.   Another shot fizzed by, taking out one of the overhead lights.
    “Brace yourself!” Jean called.
    Tayte looked up again and saw why.   They were heading towards a barrier and the bike wasn’t slowing down.
    “It’s automatic on the way out!” Jean called.
    Automatic or not, Tayte had never seen a barrier of any kind respond as quickly to an approaching vehicle as he knew this one would have to if they were to clear it in time.   Jean ducked as they approached and the barrier began to lift.   The biked slowed a little then, but sitting on the back, Tayte was higher than he knew he needed to be.   He closed his eyes and ducked after Jean, leaning forward as best he could with his briefcase between them as they arrived and the barrier broke across the top of his helmet.   An alarm began to sound.   Then the engine revs picked up again and they turned out into the night.

    Chapter Five
    A n hour later, Tayte and Jean were climbing into the back of a silver Audi saloon.   As soon as they felt it was safe to stop, Tayte had called Fable’s number from the card he’d given him and by then Fable already knew about the attempt on Jean’s life.   He’d told them to stay put at the 24-hour service station Tayte called from.   A car was on its way.   Fable had also said that he was keen to talk to Tayte about another matter concerning something that had been found at Marcus Brown’s home earlier that day.
    As they settled into the journey, Tayte thought the setup didn’t feel quite right.   He wasn’t particularly worried given that Fable had said the car was coming for them.   It was just that he felt sure the two suits sitting up front were not regular police officers, detective grade or otherwise, and the car didn’t exactly seem like police issue either, not that he really knew what the inside of an unmarked police car should look like.   He couldn’t put his finger on it but he thought the whole thing had more of a military feel.
    He asked the obvious question.   “Where are we headed?”
    “It shouldn’t take long, sir.”
    That’s all the reply he got, and after exchanging bemused glances with Jean he decided to sit back and keep quiet.   Ten minutes later they began to track the Thames to their left, following its dark course for several minutes until they arrived at a roundabout at the top of Lambeth Bridge.   They went straight over and turned right.   Jean gave Tayte a nudge, indicating the floodlit facade of the grey building complex they were heading for.
    “MI5,” she mouthed.
    Tayte had no trouble reading her lips, but he did have trouble trying to understand why they were being taken to the home of the British Security Service.   He relaxed a little though when the car arrived at Thames House and he saw DI Fable waiting for them.   As they walked under escort, Tayte further explained what had happened at Jean’s apartment, putting his finger through the hole in his jacket sleeve as if to prove it.   His arm was okay: barely a scratch that he’d cleaned up in the service station men’s room.
    “The building’s night watchman wasn’t so lucky,” Fable said.   “His body was found behind the desk where he’d fallen.   Two bullets in his chest.”   He turned to Jean.   “There’s a forensics team at your flat now.   You’ll need somewhere else to stay tonight.”
    “What about my bike?”

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