Curves and the Rancher
women walking past the diner.
    “ No. ” She put the cup of coffee on the table and picked up the tray. “ Goodbye, Phillip. ”
    She turned to leave.
Phillip ’ s arm shot out, his fingers
clamping around her wrist. “ Did you
hear me, Cassie? I ’ ve decided to
forgive you and you can move back in with me. ”
    “ Cassie? ” Betty hurried over to the booth. “ Is
this man bothering you? ”
    “ Not
anymore. ” She shook off Phillip ’ s
grasp. “ This is Phillip, my
ex-boyfriend. ” She took a deep
breath. “ And he was just leaving. ” Cassie stared unflinchingly at Phillip. What had she ever seen in
    “ Come
on, Cassie. ”
    Phillip reached for her
again and she stepped back. She didn ’ t
want him to touch her ever again. “ No,
Phillip. ” Her heart hammered, but
her voice remained steady. Standing up to Phillip wasn ’ t
quite as hard as she thought it would be.
    “ What
do you mean, no? ” he demanded . “ Have you met someone else? I
wouldn ’ t have thought that the
two-bit cowboys around here would be your style. Or have you decided
to go slumming? ”
    “ Now,
you look here-- ” Betty started to
    “ It ’ s
over, Phillip. ” Cassie ’ s
cheeks burned with indignation. How dare he insult Luke! She
straightened her shoulders. “Find someone else to
    “ You ’ re
making a big mistake, Cassie. ” Ferocity etched his face.
    “ You
heard her. ” Betty waved her hands in
the air as if he were a troublesome dog. “ Now
shoo! ”
    “ Cassie! ” Luke entered the diner, hastening his stride as he took in the scene
at the end booth. “ Are you okay? ”
    She smiled up at him,
delightingin the warmth and concern in his eyes. “ I ’ m
fine. Phillip was just leaving. ”
    “ Your
ex? ” Luke scowled and turned to the
man sitting in the booth. “ Why are
you still here? You’ve been dismissed. ”
    Phillip started to speak,
then thought better of it. He surged out of the booth, almost
jostling Luke ’ s shoulder as he
stormed out of the diner.
    “ Are
you sure you ’ re okay? ” Luke clasped her shoulders and searched her expression.
    “ I ’ m
fine. In fact, I feel great. I stood up to Phillip on my own. ” She smiled in satisfaction, her face flushed. She ’ d
come a long way since her car had broken down in Coldwater Springs
two months ago.
    “ My
beautiful Cassie, ” Luke murmured,
drawing her to him for a long, lingering kiss. The few customers in
the diner cheered and they broke apart. “ Come
on, let ’ s get out of here for a
minute. ”
    He clasped her hand and
led her into the break room. Relief had smoothed the creases in his
face. “I wanted to take care of that smug jerk myself, but I’m
proud of the way you stood up to him, Cassie. You’re safe, and
that’s all that matters.”
    He shut the door and drew
her to him. Cassie sighed as he kissed her thoroughly, her hands
clasping his shoulders.
    Luke finally lifted his
lips and looked down into her eyes, his expression grave. “ Sweetheart, we need to talk. ”
    Her heart twisted. She ’ d
never seen that expression on Luke ’ s
face before. “ What is it? ” she managed to whisper. His large hands still clasped her waist. If
he was going to break up with her, would he still be holding her?
    “ Cassie,
if you want to be free, I understand. ” His dark brown eyes were unfathomable. “ If
you want to travel or need some space, after what you ’ ve
been through with your ex, you ’ ve got
it. ”
    She blinked up at him,
her breath skipping . “ What
are you saying, Luke? ”
    “ I…just
want you to be happy. ”
    Cassie frowned. “ But
I am happy, ” she murmured. “ Or
I was, until three seconds ago. ”
    Luke ’ s
only reaction was to tighten his hands on her waist, his expression
    She took a deep breath.
Now seemed like the perfect opportunity to tell Luke what her
feelings were - if she had the courage. “ I ’ m
in love with you, Luke. Coldwater

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