The Law of Desire

The Law of Desire by Gwyneth Bolton Read Free Book Online

Book: The Law of Desire by Gwyneth Bolton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gwyneth Bolton
Tommy cut himself off.
    “Man, it wasn’t even all like that. You always running your mouth and not thinking.” Timmy rolled his eyes in disgust.
    “I think Timmy is right on this one, Tommy. I don’t think David liked me like that. At least not as far as I could tell…He was always like a second older brother.”
    “Yeah. And now you’ve got us. And we aren’t about to let anyone take advantage of you, especially not some sucker cop like Hightower. We have to handle this the way we know our boy Calvin would have wanted it,” Timmy said with a chuckle.
    “Y’all are so crazy. I’m gonna go read a book. I’ll fix dinner later. Any requests for the chicken?”
    “Baby girl, however you prepare it is fine with me. You can cook your behind off. If I didn’t view you as a little sister, I’d be trying to get you to marry a brother!” Tommy gave one of his smiles that made her think he was as sweet and innocent as he often seemed. It was easy to see he was the tenderhearted twin.
    Timmy rolled his eyes at his brother. “Whatever you do is cool. We appreciate all you’ve been doing around here.”
    “It’s the least I can do since you’ve let me hide out here. I know it’s an inconvenience. And I—”
    “Don’t even say it. Like we said before. We’ve got your back,” Timmy admonished and assured her with a stern words and an earnest look.
    Tommy nodded in agreement as he scored the winning point and then stood up to do his own version of a victory dance.
    Minerva smiled and went to the back of the apartment where the small room she was sleeping in was located. She really did want to find a way to pay them back for all the help they’d given her. She hoped to be able to do so soon. She picked up the paperback copy of Octavia Butler’s Wild Seed that she’d gotten from the library and started reading. About halfway through she started to doze off with thoughts of the sexy detective in her head.
    “I was totally wrong about you and I apologize.” His hand brushed her cheek and his normally suspicious eyes held her in a seductive gaze.
    Minerva leaned forward and parted her lips slightly. Lawrence looked so handsome standing there in her immaculate dream bedroom with his shirt off. The ripples of muscles she could only imagine so far reminded her of everything hard and firm and masculine.
    She licked her lips and smiled. “It’s okay. You didn’t know any better.”
    “But I should have. I shouldn’t have jumped to conclusions about you. You’re an amazing, sweet and seductive woman and…”
    She swallowed. “And…”
    “And…” He covered her mouth with his, scorching her to her soul.
    She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer before letting her fingers trail his skin. The taut and tempting muscles of his chest caused her heart to beat out of control. The teasing pull of his kiss made her nipples tighten and her sex weep. She moaned and tossed and turned trying to feel more of him.
    “I should have known you would taste this sweet. You are the most amazing woman in the world and I want you.”
    The next moan that escaped her lips was so loud it jolted her from her sleep.
    Minerva sat up in the bed shaking her head. Detective Lawrence Hightower admitting he was wrong about her had to be a dream. Him kissing her breath away was truly a fantasy. But she couldn’t help the smile that stole across her face as she thought about becoming one of those people who believed dreams and fantasies could come true.

Chapter 3
    “N othing is going to happen. Nothing has happened. Nothing will happen. I’ll probably be able to go back to California soon.” Minerva mumbled the mantra to herself as she walked back from the corner bodega that was three blocks away from their tenement with some seasonings and spices she had picked up to use with dinner.
    I love fall. I’ll miss it when I get back to California. Which will be soon, because nothing has happened and nothing will…

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