The Lipstick Clique

The Lipstick Clique by David Weaver Read Free Book Online

Book: The Lipstick Clique by David Weaver Read Free Book Online
Authors: David Weaver
Tags: General Fiction
she’d found that drug paraphernalia scattered across the desk back at the hotel room. That had shocked her and completely shook her from the depths of her inner being. She had never known her twin sister to participate in any type of drugs besides her annoying weed habit.
    It irked her to no end to know that her sister was on PCP, weed, and coke. She could only hope that the paraphernalia that she saw in the bedroom were just the results of a robbery that Milan hadn’t told her about.
    Just as she was about to walk out of the club, a white girl approached her. “You want a lap dance Mami ?”
    Skye looked up into the girl’s blue eyes and blond hair. “You want a black eye?”
    The girl smirked and started chuckling. “No, I get enough of those damn things. My name is Snowflake and –”
    Skye interrupted her. “Well hey Snowflake… have you seen a girl by the name of Treasure, or a girl named Danielle tonight?”
    Snowflake smiled menacingly. “Well… that’s what I came over here to talk to you about.”
    Lena was completely confused. She was only robbing the pawn shop because her mother had told her to, but she didn’t remember the rules exactly, or what it was that she was supposed to be doing. The only thing she remembered in the heat of the moment was when Milan said “anybody jump wrong, waste em .”
    She ran in the pawn shop and held her pistol up high like she’d seen in the movies. “Everybody be still. You! Put those guns in a bag, and you need to dump the money into a bag. Hurry up, I’m giving ya’ll 30 seconds, and then I’m shooting!”
    Milan sat there in the car smoking weed laced with PCP, knowing that she was a hot mess. She didn’t give a damn though, she was happy with herself, so she felt that other people should be too. She was very pleased with the way that Lena had listened to her and taken her instructions. She was very proud of her, and knew that with the type of determination and dedication that she had, she would perhaps be better than her one day. Hahahahaha ! She laughed silently while thinking those ridiculous thoughts.
    The bag was filled with guns. The pawn shop worker set the heavy bag on to the counter using all of his strength, and placed his hands back in the air immediately. He didn’t want any problems at all. He had a young daughter at home that he was trying to make it back to in one piece. The only thing on his mind was just to cooperate with the young girl.
    The manager, however, was seething hot. No one had ever had the guts to try to rob that pawn shop; so for it to happen after he’d just gotten hired to replace the previous manager – he just couldn’t take it. He hit the silent alarm with his knee cap while he kept his hands in the air. He took mental pictures of the girl, and knew that one day he would see her in a courtroom being prosecuted for this very crime. He was going to see to it.
    The assistant manager filled a small bag up with money and sat it on the counter as well. Lena walked over to the bag of guns and lifted it. It had taken her all of her energy to lift that bag 2 inches into the air, and a couple seconds later, she knew that she would have to leave the guns behind. She was angry because that’s exactly what her mommy told her to grab… guns and money. A small tear leaked out of her eye, but she knew that she would have to dry them up and get out of there quick.
    Another one of the workers had been on the floor the whole time. He had managed to grab a gun and load it while down there, and was about to let the girl have it. He looked up at his manager for the green light, but his manager, seeing that it was a little girl, couldn’t allow the worker to shoot her. As soon as she looked away, he shook his head frantically. The things that the misinformed young female had stolen could all be replaced. If they were to take her life in that

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