The Long Ride Home

The Long Ride Home by Marsha Hubler Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: The Long Ride Home by Marsha Hubler Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marsha Hubler
    “Only a teenager would come up with such a gross combination,” Mr. Chambers kidded.
    “Skye, honey,” Mrs. Chambers said, “You need to put yourself in those men’s shoes. Even if one of them is your dad, you should try to be careful what you say and how you say it.”
    Skye’s mind churned out her next plan while she gazed at two local phone numbers scribbled on a small piece of paper. “I’ve been thinking a lot about that,” she said. “I’ll try to let him know kind of slow and easy that he’s talking to his daughter.”
    “It’s going to be quite a shock, no matter how careful you are,” Mrs. Chambers said.
    Mr. and Mrs. Chambers settled at the table and Mr. Chambers prayed. Then the four dug into their campfire breakfast. “I would suggest waiting until around ten o’clock or so before you call,” Mr. Chambers said. “If either of those men is your father, we can make plans to meet him as soon as he’s able to do so.”
    “That’s if either of them answers the phone,” Morgan said. “They’re probably working. Of course, they could be on later shifts, too. That’s a possibility.”
    “Skye, you do have one big plus in your favor.” Mrs. Chambers placed a scoopful of eggs on her plate then took a bite. “Your aunt said that your dad loved you dearly. It’s my guess that he is longing to see you, and he’ll be ecstatic when you find him.”
    Mr. Chambers scooped some eggs and held the spoon in front of Morgan. “Ready for the best eggs in the world?”
    “Yep,” she said, “dump them right on top of my marshmallow, please.”
    “On top of that?” he said in mock disbelief. “Girl, you must have a cast iron stomach.”
    “Oh, Tom, just give the girl her eggs.” Mrs. Chambers chuckled. “If Morgan’s going to be a chef, she’ll want to try different foods.”
    “Yeah,” Morgan said. “Someday I’ll have a restaurant and feature entrees for ‘The Foolish and the Brave.’”
    “You’ve got a good start right here,” Mr. Chambers said.
    Skye had tuned herself in and out of the present conversation while she planned what to say on the phone. Finally, she said, “I think I know exactly what I’m going to say and how I’m going to say it.”
    “Let’s hear it, and we’ll all take a vote,” Morgan said.
    “Dad,” Skye said, “will you pretend to be the voice on the other end of the phone? Let’s practice.”
    “Sure.” Mr. Chambers chuckled with a mouthful of eggs. “Wait until I get the egg off my face.”
    The next few hours dragged on like a turtle strolling through molasses. After Skye helped clean up the breakfast mess, she went to the pole barn and fed the horses, mucked the stalls, and cleaned their hooves. She also gave each horse a quick once-over with currycomb and brush, but when she got to Champ, she pampered him like a mare with a newborn foal. As usual, she spilled her guts to him while he chomped on his grain and listened with twitching ears and a series of nickers.
    “Champ,” she said, combing the horse’s mane, “I just don’t know what I’m going to do if I find my real dad. What if he doesn’t want to see me?”
    Champ nickered and nibbled at his bucket of oats.
    “And I don’t want to hurt Mom and Dad Chambers. Ever. They’re just being so super about all of this. But what about Morgan? Something’s been bugging her, and I’ve got to find out what. She’s just—just different lately. I think what I need to do is pray more about this whole Jacy business. What do you think?”
    Nicker, nicker.
    “You’re right. Now would be a good time.” Skye laid the grooming tools on the ground, leaned her arms on Champ’s back, and folded her hands. “Dear Jesus,” she prayed, “first of all, I’d like to ask you to forgive me for lousing up, which I seem to do a lot sometimes. Next, I need your help to find my parents. Please help me to know what to say when I do find them. Lord, I ask that you help me to be brave and love

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