Glengarry Glen Ross

Glengarry Glen Ross by David Mamet Read Free Book Online

Book: Glengarry Glen Ross by David Mamet Read Free Book Online
Authors: David Mamet
I have to cancel the deal.
    Roma: It’s a common reaction, Jim. I’ll tell you what it is, and I know that that’s why you married her. One of the reasons is prudence. It’s a sizable investment. One thinks twice . . . it’s also something women have. It’s just a reaction to the size of the investment. Monday, if you’d invite me for dinner again . . . (To Levene :) This woman can cook . . .
    Levene (Simultaneously): I’m sure she can . . .
    Roma (To Lingk ): We’re going to talk. I’m going to tell you something. Because (Sotto:) there’s something about your acreage I want you to know. I can’t talk about it now. I really shouldn’t. And, in fact, by law, I . . . (Shrugs, resigned.) The man next to you, he bought his lot at forty- two, he phoned to say that he’d already had an offer . . . (Roma rubs his head.)
    Levene: Rick . . . ?
    Roma: I’m coming, Ray . . . what a day! I’ll call you this evening, Jim. I’m sorry you had to come in . . . Monday, lunch.
    Lingk: My wife . . .
    Levene: Rick, we really have to go.
    Lingk: My wife . . .
    Roma: Monday.
    Lingk: She called the consumer . . . the attorney, I don’t know. The attorney gen . . . they said we have three days . . .
    Roma: Who did she call?
    Lingk: I don’t know, the attorney gen . . . the . . . some consumer office, umm . . .
    Roma: Why did she do that, Jim?
    Lingk: I don’t know. (Pause.) They said we have three days. (Pause.) They said we have three days.
    Roma: Three days.
    Lingk: To . . . you know. (Pause.)
    Roma: No, I don’t know. Tell me.
    Lingk: To change our minds.
    Roma: Of course you have three days. (Pause.)
    Lingk: So we can’t talk Monday. (Pause.)
    Roma: Jim, Jim, you saw my book . . . I can’t, you saw my book . . .
    Lingk: But we have to before Monday. To get our money ba . . .
    Roma: Three business days. They mean three business days.
    Lingk: Wednesday, Thursday, Friday.
    Roma: I don’t understand.
    Lingk: That’s what they are. Three business . . . if I wait till Monday, my time limit runs out.
    Roma: You don’t count Saturday.
    Lingk: I’m not.
    Roma: No, I’m saying you don’t include Saturday . . . in your three days. It’s not a business day.
    Lingk: But I’m not counting it. (Pause.) Wednesday. Thursday. Friday. So it would have elapsed.
    Roma: What would have elapsed?
    Lingk: If we wait till Mon . . .
    Roma: When did you write the check?
    Lingk: Yest . . .
    Roma: What was yesterday?
    Lingk: Tuesday.
    Roma: And when was that check cashed?
    Lingk: I don’t know.
    Roma: What was the earliest it could have been cashed? (Pause.)
    Lingk: I don’t know.
    Roma: Today. (Pause.) Today. Which, in any case, it was not, as there were a couple of points on the agreement I wanted to go over with you in any case.
    Lingk: The check wasn’t cashed?
    Roma: I just called downtown, and it’s on their desk.
    Levene: Rick . . .
    Roma: One moment, I’ll be right with you. (To Lingk :) In fact, a . . . one point, which I spoke to you of which (Looks around.) I can’t talk to you about here.
    Detective puts his head out of the doorway.
    Baylen: Levene!!!
    Lingk: I, I . . .
    Roma: Listen to me, the statute, it’s for your protection. I have no complaints with that, in fact: I was a member of the board when we drafted it, so quite the opposite. It says that you can change yourmind three working days from the time the deal is closed.
    Baylen: Levene!
    Roma: Which, wait a second, which is not until the check is cashed.
    Baylen: Levene!!
    Aaronow comes out of the Detective’s office.
    Aaronow: I’m through, with this fucking meshugaas. No one should talk to a man that way. How are you talking to me that . . . ?
    Baylen: Levene! (Williamson puts his head out of the office . )
    Aaronow: . . . how can you talk to me that . . . that . . .
    Levene (To Roma ): Rick, I’m going to flag a cab.
    Aaronow: I didn’t rob . . .
    Williamson sees Levene.
    Williamson: Shelly: get in the office.
    Aaronow: I didn’t . . . why should I . . .

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