The Lost Command (Lost Starship Series Book 2)

The Lost Command (Lost Starship Series Book 2) by Vaughn Heppner Read Free Book Online

Book: The Lost Command (Lost Starship Series Book 2) by Vaughn Heppner Read Free Book Online
Authors: Vaughn Heppner
situations, she trusted her instincts. Setting down the pad and stylus, she stood up slowly. Someone was in the apartment, which seemed incredible. Security was tight here, and behind them were Star Watch surveillance teams. Would Maddox continue to sneak around once she’d called his name?
    It was possible. He had an arrogant side that both attracted and repelled her.
    In the mirror, Meta glanced at the glittering gown, how it hiked far too high on her thighs, clinging with promise. She had to change. Otherwise, the captain would get ideas. He was already too aggressive. That was part of the problem.
    Purposefully, she moved to the bedroom door to shut and lock it. She had to get out of the dress. Damn Maddox, why had he shown up? Why couldn’t he have left things alone?
    Her hand closed around the knob. Before she could push the door closed, a man stepped into view. Meta had an instant of shock. The man wore a black leather jacket, had short, bristly hair and a silver stud in his tongue. He certainly wasn’t Maddox.
    With the creak of his leather coat, the thug shoved the door open. With a thump , the edge struck Meta against the face. Her nose exploded with agony, and her head snapped back. She stumbled backward as tears welled in her eyes. The back of her right foot tripped over a high-heeled shoe. She fell, sprawling onto the carpet, the back of her head hitting the side of the bed.
    The Neptunian sequins slipped up over her hips, revealing her nakedness beneath it.
    The man looked down at her, and his eyebrows rose. A second later, he grinned with appreciation. Then he chuckled in a growly way, a man who obviously smoked too many stimsticks.
    Like a volcano ready to explode, anger boiled in Meta.
    “You’re tempting me to take a dip, sister,” he said.
    A sharp retort weighed down Meta’s tongue: she was ready to tell him the extreme extent of his mistake. However, her ears picked up other sounds in the apartment. There were more home invaders, backup for Mr. Black Leather Jacket. That stilled her tongue as her mind shifted into overdrive.
    Why would thugs break into her apartment? This was a super-deluxe suite in one of the most expensive high rises in New York City. It was supposed to have fantastic security, as many rich people lived here. Were the invaders rapists? No. The leering pig had just said he was tempted. That meant it hadn’t been his original intention.
    Even though her nose throbbed, Meta managed to smile in a frightened way as she covered her nakedness. It was time to lure the man to his doom.
    “Please don’t hurt me,” she said, trying to sound scared.
    Chuckling, the man let a shock rod slide out of his sleeve into his waiting hand. “Nice try, sister, but I happen to know you’re a tough bitch. Maybe I’ll do you later, once they’re through questioning you. Would you like that?”
    The words galvanized Meta. As he approached, she scrambled to her feet. The hard eyes told her he liked to give pain. Meta had no more time for reflection. As he swung the shock rod, she stepped toward him.
    The man was fast, but Meta proved faster. Her muscles were dense from life on a two G planet, and her infighting technique was perfect from years of martial arts training. The sharp twist of her hips added power to the punch as her fist slammed against his jaw. The lower bone slid away from the blow, one end popping out of the jaw-joint. The man’s eyelids fluttered. Unfortunately for Meta, the shock rod caressed her forearm.
    Several actions occurred at once then. Despite his toughness, the man collapsed onto the floor, unconscious. Meta bit back a groan of agony. The energy jolt flared with intensity, reaching her shoulder. Her arm swung down, numbed and useless. Lastly, the shock rod slipped from the man’s nerveless fingers, rolling onto the carpet, making sizzling sounds as it zapped once more.
    “Jacques?” a man called from the hall.
    Gritting her teeth because she didn’t have time to let

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