The Lycan Collapse (The Flux Age Book 2)

The Lycan Collapse (The Flux Age Book 2) by Steven J Shelley Read Free Book Online

Book: The Lycan Collapse (The Flux Age Book 2) by Steven J Shelley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Steven J Shelley
it incinerated in blue flame. He was prone on the cold floor of the lower sewer tunnel, a pile of crystal dust scattered before him.
    Catching his breath, he allowed himself to be drawn to his feet by the aquilan whose name he couldn’t remember for now.
    “Fall back, before more arrive,” barked a tawny werewolf further back in the darkness. Florence Underwood.
    “The wight,” Jack said with slow realization. “It was drawing a memory from me.”
    “Florence smothered it in nightfire,” Julian explained. “Quick, we have to go.”
    Jack saw the sense in beating a hasty retreat. He wasn’t going to be able to tear these wights limb from limb - the reality was painful but he was a realist at heart. He followed the others through the south passage, collecting nightfire lanterns along the way. A sickly white light illuminated the chamber behind them.
    “Go!” Jack shouted. “I’ll protect the rear!”
    Several wights pursued the trio through the labyrinthine passages. Luckily Florence was able to follow the nightfire lanterns Julian had laid down earlier.
    The wights made ground even though Florence had set a rapid pace. Their stuttering movement made Jack feel decidedly queasy. Heart in his mouth, he waited until the leading wight was barely twenty yards away. He felt his mind bending to the will of the horrible creature.
    “Have a taste of this,” he growled, hurling one of his lanterns at the wight. It struck the creature flush in the chest and the blue flame enveloped bone and flesh hungrily. Within moments all that was left was a trail of dirty white crystal.
    Howling with rage, Jack hurled a second lantern, then a third. The passage was awash with flame, an inferno that brutally engulfed the wights. The creatures screamed in agony as they died, a sound that threatened to topple Jack’s frayed mind from its hinges.
    “Jack!” came a strong voice. It was Florence, hurling the rest of her lanterns into the maelstrom. Wight after wight was vaporised before their eyes and a bitter, acrid smell filled the passage. As Jack jettisoned his last lantern strong hands lifted him through a hole in the roof. It was Julian.
    Florence must’ve been lifted moments before, because she stood awkwardly to the side, looking at the aquilan strangely. It was no mean feat to haul two fully grown werewolf like that.
    “Which way?” Jack asked quickly.
    “Follow me,” Julian said, disappearing into the murk. The lycan pair followed Julian through more familiar cobble-stoned tunnels. Jack saw no hint of further pursuit by the wights. They must have killed at least a dozen down in the lower tunnel.
    At length they emerged into a service tunnel with regular manholes in the ceiling. Julian selected one carefully, hauling himself through first.
    Jack followed after Florence and found himself in a dingy alleyway somewhere in Manhattan.
    “This is where I leave you,” Julian said, almost apologetically. “I have reports to make, as I’m sure you do.”
    “Wait,” Florence said, grabbing Julian by the arm. Jack felt a surge of anger. He and Florence were still in werewolf form and needed to make it back to the Society straight away.
    “Go on without me,” Florence said. Jack blinked at her with amazement. Surely she wasn’t going off with this creep?
    “You can’t trust this guy,” he said angrily. “If you reveal anything to him, I’ll …”
    “What, Jack?” Florence taunted, backing away alongside Julian.
    The aquilan smiled infuriatingly as Florence climbed onto his back. Jack could barely watch as the aquilan extended his magnificent wings.
    “Fine,” Jack eventually breathed, crushing his anger into a little ball. “Have it your way, Underwood. I knew I was wrong to trust you.”

4 - Julian
    New York City, USA
    Julian almost laughed as he spiraled between two high office buildings. To leave Jack Foley on the ground like that was cruel, but the man had it coming. He seemed brash and over-confident,

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