The Magic Thief

The Magic Thief by Sarah Prineas Read Free Book Online

Book: The Magic Thief by Sarah Prineas Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sarah Prineas
scooped meup and swept-stepped back to Heartsease and up to his study.
    As soon as the door closed behind him, he threw off his robe and wide-brimmed hat, pulled out his locus stone, and clapped his hands. Sparks flew. He grabbed up two handfuls of sparks and dumped them over my head. I felt the tingle, saw the flash of light, and heard the thunder.
    Sometime later, when I opened my eyes, Nevery was standing over me. I sat up. I raised my hand. No more fur, no claws; I looked over my shoulder. No lovely quirked tail. I stretched and stood up, almost falling over. I missed the tail already.
    â€œNow, boy, tell me about the meeting.” He sat down at the table and picked up his pen, ready to take notes.
    Oh, he was not going to like this. “Well, Nevery,” I began.
    â€œWell, boy?”
    I took a deep breath. “I couldn’t get in.”
    He threw his pen onto the table; ink spattered. “Curse it, boy. You’ll have to go again after lunch.”
    I nodded.
    â€œAnd I expect you to get in, one way or another.” He pointed toward the door, scowling. “Go tell Benet to give you something to do ’til then.”
    As I went out, I heard him mutter, “Useless.”
    Hearing him say that gave me a hollow, empty feeling in my stomach.


    Blasted boy. Sent him to listen in at Magisters Hall, came back with nothing.
    Embero spell had odd effect, though.
    Note to self: must read Sarpent’s historical grimoires to see if he notes this kind of effect. Generally, undergoing embero not a pleasant experience. Last attempted this spell on Benet. Disaster. Boy seemed to enjoy it.
    Consider possibility that because boy has touched locus magicalicus, it has developed an affinity to him? Odd sort of adosyncratichi. Warrants further investigation.
    Note to self: Do not allow boy to cook; have Benet do it.

    W hen we finished lunch, I lugged up some water for washing and joined Benet in the kitchen. He’d made tea and a basket of muffins for afters. I sniffed at the basket. “Smells good,” I said.
    Benet sat with his chair tipped back against the wall. Heheld knitting needles and had a pile of black wool next to his chair; the needles went tick-click-tick . He didn’t answer.

    Oh, well. “D’you want another?” I took one of the muffins and held the basket out to Benet. He ignored it.
    Putting the basket down, I bit into my muffin and washed it down with a gulp of tea.
    Benet watched me but didn’t speak. His knitting needles flashed, quick and silver in the black wool.
    I ate the last muffin and drank more tea. Then I picked up the crumbs from the bottom of the empty muffin basket and ate those.
    â€œWhat’s it like, then, you,” Benet said, “being a cat?”
    I froze. Benet had spoken to me. I looked at him, but he didn’t seem angry: not a glare to be seen. “Well,” I said slowly, “it’s…hard to explain.” I wasn’t sure I could even explain it to myself. “The tail is amazing.”
    â€œDidn’t hurt?” Benet asked. “The spell?”
    No more than changing clothes hurt. “No.”
    He gave me a glare, just a little one. “Reckon you’re lying.”
    I looked at him. So he’d been hurt when Nevery’d tried the spell on him.
    â€œCould use a cat around here,” Benet said. “Storeroom’s full of mice.” He put the snarl of black wool and his knitting needles on the floor and got to his feet. “Master Nevery wants you.”
    I jumped up. “I’m ready.” I followed Benet upstairs to the study. The remains of Nevery’s muffins and tea lay on the table and a merry fire burned in the hearth.
    Nevery himself sat at the table, his grimoire open before him. When I came in, he narrowed his eyes and frowned. Yes, I knew I had to get the information he needed or I’d be in big trouble.
    Nevery got to his feet. “All

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