movement was precise, and she felt shivers going deliciously down her spine.
Watching him, she felt strange and conflicting emotions. One moment she was content basking in the cadence of his deep voice along with the pleasure she felt at being in his exciting company; the next moment she was aghast at her folly in being with him at all. He was dangerous. There was no doubt she was not the first woman he had brought home to his villa, neither would she be the last.
‘Tell me,’ she said, feeling very aware of his light grip on her elbow as they walked to his villa, ‘do you use judo on your women friends if they don’t please you?’
He chuckled. ‘Heaven forbid! I have other ways of subduing them. Much pleasanter ways, of course.’
‘Of course,’ Sue murmured lightly, but her heart was racing. ‘I assume that this is only one of your happy homes?’
‘I’m glad you said happy, because I have no guard dogs or barbed wire enclosures. I’m not a speculator or a shady dealer in arms—I’m a business man. Satisfied?’ He smiled down at her mockingly. ‘You’ve been seeing too many movies. It’s time you began living yourself.’
‘So you keep telling me, but I prefer to do it my own way, thanks.’
Jay did not reply but steered her to the swimming pool and seated her on one of the loungers beneath a large floral umbrella. The sun was hot and a drink was very welcome, especially of the kind Jay’s man brought on a tray which he set down on the table nearby.
‘Try this,’ Jay said, offering Sue a tall glass with the ice clinking in it giving a frosted effect. ‘It’s strong, but it won’t take your hair up.’
Sue sipped warily then took a longer drink. ‘Hmm,’ she murmured blissfully. ‘What is it?’
‘Pina Colada—pineapple juice mixed with fresh coconut plus a dash of rum. Like it?’
‘Lovely,’ she answered, and watched his glance slide over her shapely form.
He grinned at her sudden blush. ‘What about a dip in the pool?’ he said, and tossed off the rest of his drink.
Sue’s heart lurched. She finished her drink thirstily, seeking for courage. She had to take the initiative or she would get nowhere with Jay. It was imperative for her to scotch his every move.
‘Why not?’ she said, and stood up. ‘What was it you said? I have to begin to live. Here’s where I begin!’
‘Yes, but Sue...’
Jay’s look of utter consternation as she dropped her skirt was comical. He had recovered by the time she had taken off her top to reveal a scanty lace bra and briefs. The diving board was an utter joy as Sue lifted her slim arms above her head and dived in. She had reached the length of the pool and was about to go back when Jay joined her.
‘Race you back!’ she cried.
They touched the other end with a laugh and Sue dashed back her wet hair. The look in his dark eyes sent her in a long underwater shot towards the other end of the pool again and he was there beside her as she surfaced.
‘Forfeit for whoever loses,’ he said, and she caught the gleam of his teeth as he pushed her head under the water.
When Sue reached the far end of the pool she did the last bit under water. Then she was reaching for his ankles as he reached the end finishing rail and pulled with her ebbing strength before he could grab it.
They both touched the bottom of the pool and quick as a flash Sue was up to touch the rail. Then she was pulling herself up out of the water to sit on the side. But Jay had not surfaced. He lay beneath the surface of the pool, head bent and sagging.
‘Jay!’ she screamed, and dived in. The next instant he had seized her in a vicelike grip and they surfaced together.
‘I’ll teach you to take a rise out of me,’ he grinned as he silenced her with a punishing kiss. Sue’s hands were pushing against his hirsute chest until she forced his face away from her own.
‘I like that!’ she exclaimed fiercely, treading water. ‘It was you who cheated in the first place,