The Man from Shenandoah

The Man from Shenandoah by Marsha Ward Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: The Man from Shenandoah by Marsha Ward Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marsha Ward

    “Marie, you’re telling a fib. What’s happening?”

    “I’m sorry, Ellen. I can’t say.” She sighed. “But I will tell you, real soon, I promise. We’ll clean you up, and I’ll find some clothes so you can go home.”

    Marie left Ellen by the fire and went into the yard. She found Carl washing his shirt in a bucket of water. As she approached the well, Carl flicked drops of water at her and grinned.

    “I’m sorry I was so fierce with you,” he said. “Seems like ever since I got home, I’ve been muddy more than clean, and it’s wearing on my nerves. Once, a cow knocked me into the mud, and now I’m filthy on account of a dumb girl.”

    “Well, that ‘dumb girl’ was coming to visit me, and she’s out in the parlor dying of fright that you’ll cuss at her again. Carl, how could you?”

    “What? She’s here?”

    “She’s my best friend.”

    “You surely do pick dumb friends.”

    “I ain’t looking to fight with you, Carl. You had no business yelling at her, though.”

    “She nearly got us killed by a bunch of Yankees I had trouble with once before.” He held up his dripping shirt. “Look at that. I was on my way home and they cut off all my buttons. Claimed I was violating my parole. I do not favor them casting their eyes on me again, seeing as how they’re running the show hereabouts.”

    “Ellen knows she done a fool thing, but she’s sorry. You’d best come in and make amends for yelling at her.”

    “Not me, Sis. Let her die of fright. I ain’t apologizing for giving her something she earned.” Carl put on his wet shirt and tied it closed with some bits of string.

    “I see. Well, she needs to clean up, so if you don’t aim to meet her, you’d best remain out here.”

    Carl mumbled something.

    “What did you say?”

    “You don’t want to hear it.”

    Chapter 4

    Two hours later, Rod Owen whistled as he tossed little Roddy into the air.

    “Please, Mr. Owen,” Mary cried out. “The baby is so delicate.”

    “Mistress Mary, you worry too much. This young’un is strong as an ox. And he’ll need strength where we’re going.”

    “You’re still trying to get us to go with you? Rulon, tell him we can’t go,” she pleaded.

    Rod continued. “Would you druther stay here and bid good-bye to your folks? Your pa agreed to go with me. Not only him, but Tom O’Connor, Angus Campbell, and Ed Morgan are going. I figure we need only one other family, and I’ll talk to them on the way home.”

    Mary found a chair and sank down into it. Rulon crossed the room to squat by her side, and lifted her chin with his blunt fingers. “It won’t be as bad as you figure, Sugar. I’m getting stronger every day, and you’ll have your ma and sisters along. Look here, it’ll mean a good start for us, and we’ve never had one, with this war. Mary, we’re four years wed, and all we have to show for it is Roddy and some pots and pans.” He got up and turned to his father. “Pa, we’re going with you.”

    “Rulon, I’m pleased. You won’t regret it none. Well now, are those girls ready to go home? I expect I’ll need a wagon to haul their things.”

    Mary got up, sighing heavily, and went to get the girls, and as she passed her husband she gave him a long, despairing look.

    “Afternoon, Mary,” a young male voice called from the kitchen.

    “That’s Clay home for lunch,” Rulon said. “He likely don’t know you’re in town, Pa. Clay,” he called. “Come here a minute. Someone’s here to see you.”

    A slim youth entered the room with his hat still on his head, brushing specks of straw off his colorless homespun shirt and faded brown trousers. “Pa!” he exclaimed, hastily taking the hat off his blond head. “When did you get into town?”

    “I been here all morning, son. I bring happy news. We’re pulling up stakes and heading for Colorado Territory.”

    “We’re what? Where Uncle Jonathan lives? What do you want to do that for,

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