Runaway Mum

Runaway Mum by Deborah George Read Free Book Online

Book: Runaway Mum by Deborah George Read Free Book Online
Authors: Deborah George
Runaway mum!
    A short story by
    Deborah George
    Chapter One
    Sometimes I wonder what my life should be like, rather than what it is like. I'm a mum, with a stressful unappreciating family.. I want to tear my hair out or run away, but the love I have for my family keeps me here. For now! I want to be loved, appreciated, taken care of sometimes, is that really too much to ask? Wonder how my family would survive if I did up and leave, heck would they even notice? hmmm maybe I should put it to the test.. let them see how much I really do for them, She thought to herself.
    Mary was feeling kinda down again, after one of her usual rushed mornings, every morning it was the same thing, fight with the kids to get dressed, fight with them to eat breakfast,  fight to get them out of the house in time..
    Her day always felt ruined after her morning from hell.
    No matter what she did or how many talks she had with them nothing ever changed, its as though she was, just the hired help. As though she wasnt important and not one of her kids or even her husband really cared. She was just there to do everything for them.
    "Guess I better get the housework done," She said to herself in the empty house.
    Kids where now all in school and the husband at work. She got up from the kitchen table with an empty cup in hand, she had finished her tea in silence as usual. Dishes first, may as well she thought while she was already in the kitchen.
    Her day progressed slowly enough, after the house was cleaned she went and watched a bit of daytime T.V the only time of the day that she could. Mark her husband was a football fan and quite obsessive over it. He could spend all night watching highlights and ignoring her. Mary hated football season. She didnt have a problem with the footie, more with the neglect she felt during it.
    After her programme, Mary decided to log into facebook see what the rest of the world was up to. 
    "Wow!" Mary exclaimed, a childhood friend had left her husband and was travelling  around the world, reclaiming her lost youth. "I wish I could do that" she remarked secretly impressed with her friend. "If I had the money I would be gone tomorrow" she said with a sigh, "then again would I?, the guilt would get to me I think!" she laughed "Yeah cos talking to oneself is so much better" she paused "I need to get a grip"
    still chuckling to herself she heard the door knock.
    Mary made her way downstairs to the front door, peeking through the peephole she saw it was the postman "hmm he is fit" she remarked quietly to herself before opening the door. Didnt want him hearing her!
    Well it was nothing interesting just a dvd through for hubby. More boring football DVD's! Mary rolled her eyes and set it on the table, it wouldnt be long till the tribe where home and the chaos started again.
    After all the kids where fed and sent to bed ready for another rushed morning Mary tried to snuggle up to Mark on the sofa, but he moaned "I am watching the footie Mary" she huffed and moved away from him.
    "Aww come on Mary, the only time I get to relax is when I watch my football, dont take the huff with me, at least you get to do nothing all day while I am out working hard" he smirked for some reason he thought working outside the home made him some kind of super hero! because of course in his eyes Mary did absoloutely nothing all day long.
    Mary stormed out of the room with laptop in hand and decided to give him the silent treatment for the rest of the night. She went downstairs to the kitchen and logged into online Bingo she thought she may as well try her luck.
    Mary deposited ten pounds to play with, Mark always complained saying she wasted too much money after him working hard to earn it, so she had to play in secret.  She knew he would be busy for the next hour or so. So she settled down to play.
    "OMG!" Mary whispered with her hand over her mouth "No fricking way" she mumbled, but yes sure enough her bingo balance had shot up to one thousand

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