her nipples were outlined more clearly now against the thin, stretchy fabric, and he knew she was as aroused as he was.
He put his hands on her waist and felt her jerk in response as he slid them upward, pushing the camisole with them. She ran her hands through his hair and arched toward him.
“Sam, I want you.” Her low moan fueled his arousal, and he freed one hand to tug roughly at the drawstring that kept her shorts on her hips.
He wanted to spin her around, brace her against the cool marble island, and take her from behind, filling his hands with those pert little breasts and feeling her lovely backside trembling against him when she came.
“Mommy?” The small voice seemed to be coming from somewhere downstairs, and they jerked apart, Camilla yanking her camisole back down as Sam stepped behind the counter to hide the obvious bulge in his pants.
“I’m in the kitchen, sweetie,” Camilla answered, getting her voice and her breathing back under control.
JD walked in, his little bare feet padding across the stone floor, wearing superhero pajamas, dragging a worn teddy bear in one hand and rubbing his eyes with the other. Sam felt something tighten in his chest.
“I can’t sleep, Mommy. I woke up and you were gone and I didn’t know where you were.” His little mouth formed a pout and he looked like he was about to cry until his nose apparently registered the fragrant smell of chocolate chip cookies. His face lit up and he looked more awake.
“Mommy, you made me cookies. Can I have some? Please.” He sneaked a look over at Sam and smiled shyly, and Sam found himself smiling back.
“Well,” Camilla said, “I think a couple chocolate chip cookies and a glass of milk might be just what you need to get back to sleep.”
She got a plastic plate Sam didn’t recognize—he was absolutely sure he didn’t own any dishes with bunnies painted on them—placed two cookies on it, poured some milk into a plastic cup, and snapped on a sippy lid.
“Fred wants a cookie, too,” JD said, watching her as he hugged his bear. Camilla smiled and put another cookie on the plate.
“Come on, sweetie,” she said reaching for his hand while she balanced the plate and the cup in the other hand. “Say good night to Sam.”
JD looked sideways at Sam and dutifully said, “Night, Sam” in his little boy voice and Sam felt his heart melting.
“Night, JD,” he said, then looked up at the woman holding the little boy’s hand. “Have a good sleep, Camilla.” He knew she wouldn’t be slipping back into his bed later in the night, as pleasant a thought as that was.
As Camilla headed out of the kitchen and toward the stairs, she glanced back and gave him a look of what he thought was regret. There was no denying she’d wanted him every bit as much as he’d wanted her. For the first time he wondered if rekindling a physical relationship with a woman who had already demonstrated she couldn’t be trusted would be a mistake. What he did know was that right now was probably a good time for a long, cold shower.
Chapter Five
When Sam walked in the charity gala with Camilla on his arm, he was sure every eye in the place was on them. In some ways, despite its teeming population and lucrative tourist trade, Miami was a small town. At least among the sort of people who attended these events and had the money to pay the hefty cost for a table, and inflated prices for the auction items. No doubt people were wondering who the stunning blonde was and where she had come from. If the marriage and adoption were going to proceed smoothly, it was important to give the appearance that his relationship with Camilla was real. This was the perfect opportunity to introduce Camilla to the Miami social circles he and has partners moved in. Sam wasn’t overly fond of these events. It was Jonathon who always insisted they not only buy a table but actually attend. At any rate, it was all for a good cause, even though at the moment he