The Moon, the Madness, and the Magic

The Moon, the Madness, and the Magic by Eliza March Read Free Book Online

Book: The Moon, the Madness, and the Magic by Eliza March Read Free Book Online
Authors: Eliza March
Tags: Fiction, Erótica, Romance, Fantasy, Adult, Menage Amour, Menage a Trois (m/m/f)
turned their attentions to Dane after Rourke, curiously, shut them down.
    She knew turning those women down could have been no small feat when she sensed Rourke’s growing needs. Why wouldn’t he take advantage of their offers when sex was what people came to this place for?
    In the end, the redheaded twins, two wily fox-shifters, hadn’t minded sharing Dane with the brunette she-wolf once they’d realized Rourke wasn’t going to play. They’d all appeared satisfied with the final arrangements.
    She wondered why she’d continued to watch from her position in the tree outside the picture window even after Rourke had left the club. In her heart, maybe she knew she didn’t want to risk him finding her yet.
    Dane’s need wasn’t quite the same as his brother’s, but it called out to a part of her nevertheless. This was an unexpected complication. The man oozed charisma. He gave Rourke a cocky glance, and she noticed a flash of doubt wash over Rourke’s expression. What could a man like him be worried about? Whatever it was, Dane seemed to be the cause when he said something about her that she couldn’t quite make out.
    A glimpse of her glamour would have a devastating effect on any male. Humans like Dane were slightly more susceptible. To teach him a little lesson in humility, she flipped her hair back over her shoulder and inhaled, knowing the impact her charms would have on him. Still, she let the heat rise in her and enjoyed the low moan of appreciation Dane released as she returned her gaze and attention to Rourke.
    A low sound resembling a snarl rumbled again from Rourke’s chest, this time an unmistakable warning.
    Rourke was all hard angles, broad shoulders, and darkness, inside and out. She wondered if he ever suffered from the calling , the intuitive need paranormal beings felt to find their origins or their mates.
    His brow furrowed, and his eyes narrowed, never leaving hers as he warily took her measure. He was feeling her, the irresistible attraction, but he wasn’t liking his reaction.
    Mine. Her succubus claimed him.
    “Great,” she noted beneath her breath. He was jealous, responsive, reluctant, and pissed, all because her essence called to him and his answered.
    She smelled Dane’s reaction to her glamour grow more intense and realized, too late, so had Rourke’s. He let out a true growl.
    Alpha. Impressive.
    Shut up. Celeste had enough problems at the moment without her inner being interfering. She ran a palm across her forehead, feeling Rourke’s probing mind touch hers. Damn, the man was already using abilities she hadn’t been aware he had and ones he didn’t know he had, either. He probably attributed them to good insight.
    Little did he know.
    The responsibility of telling the men about their past was the bigger challenge, and it had fallen to her. How would she explain the Lore and the rest? Her mind mulled over all the possibilities.
    How would she tell them Rourke had abilities they’d only seen before in scary movies? She could hardly hear herself casually saying, Oh, by the way, Rourke, your brother isn’t your biological brother, and you are a shape-shifter about to change for the first time.
    What? What are you?
    Oh, sorry, not sure what you’ll turn into on Beltane, because no one can be sure who sired you. But guess what? You’re meant to lead the people of the Lore.
    That almost seemed easier than the rest. Telling the men about their dark history might well be her task, but convincing them of the real truth might be harder still. She dreaded telling Rourke that the man he believed was his father all his life wasn’t. How did one broach a subject that delicate?
    She looked into the Rourke’s suspicious gaze. He knew she was hiding something. She forced her eyes shut to hold him at bay for a moment.
    Would unraveling the truth tear the men’s relationship apart?
    Did any of this matter to the outcome of the prophecy?
    She doubted it. When it came to fate, Celeste was sure

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