The Morning After

The Morning After by Matt Coolomon Read Free Book Online

Book: The Morning After by Matt Coolomon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Matt Coolomon
Tags: BDSM, adult erotica
the sofa opposite to where she was sitting and Warren placed their glasses on the small table in front of her and turned to watch them. He didn't make eye contact but he saw that they both looked as they passed by.
    "Your first customers," he whispered into Tanya’s ear as he sat down beside her.
    "I can't believe I'm doing this," she whispered back to him, her warm little hand slipping within his.
    "I bet Evan won't be shy about looking," Warren teased playfully. "And I bet those two guys will be back too."
    "Can you really see that much?"
    "Yeah - and if you'd lean forward we'd see a bit too," Warren tried but Tanya pushed his head away when he tried to lean in for a look down her front.
    Another man had started in their direction and beyond him there was Evan at the bar buying more drinks. This man would have been about sixty. He was walking unsteadily and had obviously had a few. He swaggered along and Warren nodded as he met his eyes.
    The man’s eyes then lowered to Tanya’s legs and her fingers clutched at Warren’s but she didn't look up.
    The guy stopped and fumbled in his pocket for a cigarette. He swayed unsteadily but his eyes were focused and set. He lit his smoke and kind of lurched around a bit then he almost collapsed into one of the sofas across the walkway.
    He was virtually out of site then and Tanya was about to say something but Evan approached with their drinks - his eyes flashing down at her legs as he placed the drinks on the table.
    "Nice view," he grinned up at the young couple, and Tanya went so red she almost caught on fire.
    "That's what the old guy thought. Is he okay over there?" Warren asked Evan.
    He checked back over his shoulder. "Yeah - he's fine." His gaze then returned to Tanya's legs and he sat blatantly looking down between them.
    Tanya watched him with her little fingers squeezing Warren’s again.
    "This is like trying one of the stories you've been reading is it?" Evan asked, meeting their eyes then tilting his head for another look. "I don't mind helping out," he said and smiled.
    Tanya's knees held together. The back of Warren’s hand was pressed against her thigh and he could feel her trembling slightly as she turned to him.
    "Are you okay?" he asked her and he kissed her lips softly.
    "I'm okay," she answered and she glanced across at Evan again. He was sitting forward in his seat, kind of squatting on the edge of it and leaning up over the little table.
    "So, do you actually know the other men your wife's been with, Evan?" Warren asked.
    "Kind of. There's been two that I know of - both neighbours but they've moved since. And one other, which was a friend of her father, but that was when she was only nineteen and she was forced.
    "Oh my god she was raped?" Tanya exclaimed.
    "Umm.  Kind of." Evan replied with a grin. "Only I didn't find out about it until years later and Lisa confessed to encouraging him.
    “Apparently he used to come around while I was at work and it went on for a few months. We were going through one of those down times I guess. I was sleeping in the spare room and it felt like we were breaking up. And the old guy took advantage of the situation I suppose. But the first time he did force her physically. Or so she teases me," he ended with a chuckle.
    Tanya edged forward to exchange her empty wine glass with the fresh one Evan had bought. Evan raised his head to have a look down her front and Warren touched her back, sort of massaging a little and holding her forward. She didn't resist. She peered back at her boyfriend and smiled lightly.
    "So have you guys ever done this before?" Evan questioned.
    "No - not really," Warren answered. “We talked about it once.”
    "Not even topless at the beach?"
    Tanya nodded her head as she peered down at her breasts then back up at Evan. “Once, before we met.”
    "Do you want to lean over a bit more so I can see them properly?" Evan went on, and Warren checked around to be sure no one was watching.
    Tanya edged

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