I'm confident in your abilities. I have faith you will live up to the hopes of this community — that you will be future leaders and protectors of Ukkiville."
Gaping at each other in disbelief, Thoruk and the other two turned their heads to and fro but didn't dare speak a word.
Intellulka continued. "I know. You may not believe it yet, but you will. Now, let's begin your lessons.
"Do any of you know how you got your names?"
Stormulka's arm shot skyward.
"Okay, how do you think you became 'Stormulka'?"
"I was born on a stormy day."
"Mmm, not quite." The canny professor shook his head with his eyes closed.
"You may think you already know, but this is how the naming convention really works in Ukkiville and in the villages where you were born. When you arrived in this world with a spank to your bottoms, you received a temporary designation. Girls were called 'Missy' followed by their mom's name."
He peered over his spectacles at Mercivil. "Your mother and all others referred to you as Missy Gracivil until you were given your formal name. Boys were called 'Little' or 'Junior' followed by the father's name. Thor, you were referred to as 'Little Odinuk.' "
Intellulka stared at Stormulka. "Here's where it gets more interesting. Sometime later, after your mother and father determined your strongest trait, they gave you a formal name with two parts. The first part is determined by your strongest trait. The second comes from your family title.
"So Storm, your family name is Ulka. When you were a toddler, your parents determined that your disposition was — shall we say — a bit stormy. When you didn't like something, you threw a tantrum and started tossing stuff. Hence you were tagged with Storm — ulka."
Stormulka threw his pencil across the table. "No way. That's not how it happened."
The astute educator gaped at the pencil. "Let's see, I think the evidence is rolling on the table. Mercy, you were always tending to children and others when you sensed they were feeling bad or hurt. Your family title is Belivil, hence the name 'Merci — vil.'
"And Thor, kids were always following you around, taking orders from you on what to do. Your ancestry hails from Viking origins. Thor was a strong leader from Norwegian folklore and a title familiar in Viking tales. Your family are the Ukes. You were named 'Thor — uk.' "
Mercivil lifted her hand partway. "Why were we named in such a fashion?"
"Basically, to make things simpler. A long time ago, before you were born, people used a first, middle, and last name. With Ukkiville's convention, middle and last names aren't needed. Since the village is small enough where most people know each other, parents can avoid duplicate titles.
"The greatest advantage is that you know a person's strong trait and family name when they're first introduced. It's pretty convenient. You only need to learn one name instead of three."
While fixated on the wall, Thoruk tapped his pencil on the table. Who is this man anyway? The blazing old fart acts like he knows everything.
Stormulka raised his arm. "Who on earth thought of such a crazy idea?"
Intellulka stared him in the eye. "I did."
"What! You're the reason people call me 'Storm'?"
"Well — in a sense — yes — but it's your disposition that's the real rationale behind it."
Mercivil looked at Stormulka. "You're lucky I wasn't your mother. I would have called you 'Pickulka' because you're always picking your nose."
He gawked at her. "You're so funny. If you were my mother, I would've killed myself." He stuck out his tongue at her.
"Okay, you two, settle down."
Thoruk shook his head. Stunning, it's the old man's naming convention, and he insists on calling me 'Thor.' How does that make any sense?
The unflappable gentleman smiled. "We're moving on to another subject. You're going to learn how Ukkiville was established — a subject close to