were asked to fly around this planet & see if they could sort out the planned & unplanned economies. They would in fact probably get them sorted out; but they might as well have the labels on the 2 lists reversed. Of course the so-called unplanned economies aren’t unplanned at all. They rely on an extremely sophisticated system of planning reflected in the mechanisms of institutions of the market to organize ec. activity & to generate material progress.
Prof. Geo. Sternlieb
T he billions of $ that are being spent on the urban poor by all levels of govt. go mainly to support a growing W.F. bureaucracy of teacher-aides, youth workers, clerks, supervisors, key punchers, & people’s lawyers. The bureauc. is sustained by the plight of the poor, the threat of the poor, the misery of the poor, but it yields little in the way of loaves & fishes to the poor.
John Ramsay McCulloch, Scotch Ec., More—100 Years Ago
T he moment you abandon the cardinal principle of extracting from all individuals the same proportion of their income or their property you are at sea without rudder or compass & there is no amount of injustice or folly you may not commit.
A Florida Bus Attendant—Ralph Bradford
H uman society is built & can only be built upon a foundation of citizenship accountability. The strength of a nation is not its legal machinery, but the moral stamina & courage of its people. The law is but the codification of their conscience. There are not enough laws & never will be, to keep a society stable if its members no longer will it. There are not enough policemen, courts, judges or prisons, nor ever can be to prevent the death of a civilization whose people no longer care. Law enforcement is for the criminal few; it collapses if it must be enforced against the many. When the sense of personal accountability is no longer present in majority strength, then no legal device known to man can hold the society together. Freedom is a timely torch blazing in the dark .
Herbert Spencer, Essay, Self-Defense and Paternalism
O f the pauper—the more you assist him the more he wants. Of the busy man the more he has to do the more he can do. A whole nation must be so—that just in proportion as its members are little helped by extraneous power they will become self helping and in proportion as they are much helped they will become helpless.
Hiram Johnson, 1910, Los Angeles
I n our city we have drunk the dregs of the cup of infamy; we have been betrayed by pub. officials & sold out by those we trusted. But in our city we have never had anyone so vicious, so venomous, so putrescent or so vile as Harrison Gray Otis of the L.A. Times. The one blot on the escutcheon of L.A.—the bar sinister upon your city is Harrison Gray Otis of the L.A. Times. There he sits in senile dementia, with gangrene heart & rotting brain, grimacing at our every attempt at reform & chattering away in impotent rage while he goes down to his foul grave in snarling infamy.
Will Rogers
Y ou are sentenced to prison as long as it’s made comfortable for you & your desire to remain. In checking out let the warden know, so he will know how many there will be for supper.
E ven when you make out a tax return on the level you don’t know if you are a crook or a martyr.
E very time a lawyer writes something, he is not writing for posterity. He’s writing so endless others of his craft can make a living out of trying to figure out what he said. Course perhaps he hadn’t really said anything, that’s what makes it hard to explain.
T he minute you read something & you can’t understand it, you can be sure it was written by a lawyer. Then if you give it to another lawyer to read & he don’t know just what it means then you can be sure it was drawn up by a lawyer. If it’s in a few words and its plain & understandable only one way it was written by a non-lawyer.
Norman Thomas
S ocialism is a scare word to many but it has a high degree of acceptance by people