The Notes

The Notes by Ronald Reagan Read Free Book Online

Book: The Notes by Ronald Reagan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ronald Reagan
Tags: Non-Fiction
fear. The essence of National Socialism is human welfare rooted in a fuller life for every German from childhood to old age.
    Dr. Alex Fraser Tytler on Athens Fall 2000 Years Ago

    A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of govt. It can only exist until the voters discover they can vote themselves largess out of the pub. treasury. From that moment on the majority always votes for the candidate promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result the democracy always collapses over a loose fiscal policy always to be followed by a dictatorship.
    Leonard Read

    R egardless of theoretical pretentions, socialism is nothing but the application of dictatorial power.

    I n the late 60’s, a group of drs. formed an org. to ed. people about Socialized medicine. The I.R.S. ruled—“opposing socialism in the med. or other segments of the economoy or supporting the principles of individual lib. & freedom of the individual in the med. profession or elsewhere are not in our opinion per se educational functions or objectives & you are not entitled to take deductions from your Fed. income tax.”

    T he snow was blowing out of doors—the drifts were piling high, and I could see the pedestrians as they were passing by. The faces of my Irish friends came dimly through the glass, as they trudged the icy streets to worship at their mass. I watched a while, went back to bed and cuddled safe & sound as they braved those icy blasts on a sacred duty bound. I envy them their strength of heart, the faith that they renew, but on an ice cold Sunday morn it’s good to be a Jew.
    Poem “Teacher”—Clark Mollenhoff

    Y ou are the molders of their dreams—the Gods who build or crush their young beliefs of Rt. or Wrong. You are the spark that sets aflame the poet’s hand or lights the flame of some great singer’s song. You are the God of the young—the very young. You are the guardians of a million dreams. Your every smile or frown can heal or pierce a heart. Yours are 100 lives—1000 lives. Yours the pride of loving them, the sorrow too. Your patient work, your touch make you the God of hope—that fills their souls with dreams—to make those dreams come true.
    Lord Moulton

    T rue civilization is measured by the extent of obedience to the unenforceable.
    2nd Thessalonians 3:10

    I f anyone does not want to work then he should not eat either.
    Acts 19:32

    S ome therefore cried one thing & some another for the assembly was confused; & the more part knew not wherefore they were come together.
    Bible Judges 9—Parable

    T he Trees went forth to anoint a King over themselves. The olive tree, the fig tree, the vine—all declined to abandon their productive pursuits to become a King. So the trees then turned to the bramble and the bramble accepted.
    Dr. Goebbels

    W hoever can conquer the street will conquer the state one day for every form of power politics & any dictatorially run state has its roots in the street. We cannot have enough of public demonstrations for that is far & away the most emphatic way of demonstrating ones will to govern. It means a sight more than elec. statistics. When we can see our men thousands of them marching up & down the streets that is nothing short of mobilization for power.
    Judge Learned Hand

    T here is nothing sinister in so arranging ones affairs as to keep taxes just as low as possible. Nobody owes any public duty to pay more than the law demands. Taxes are enforced exactions not vol. contributions. To demand more in the name of morals is mere cant.

    A nyone may so arrange his affairs that his taxes shall be as low as possible, he is not bound to choose that pattern which will best pay the treasury; there is not even a patriotic duty to increase one’s taxes.
    J. Edgar Hoover

    T he cure for crime is not the electric chair but the high chair.
    Paul McCracken

    I t is interesting to speculate what would happen if a delegation from the Economic Dept. of U. of Outer Space

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